Chapter Nine (Jenna)

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I was completely numb when I got home that night. I showered on autopilot as I tried to wrap my mind around what had happened. Marco was dead. Marco, who always treated everyone with kindness. Marco, who had given me several rides home from school when we both stayed late to train just because he didn't want a young girl to walk home by herself after dark. Marco, who'd been one of the nicest people I'd ever met, had been brutally murdered by something supernatural. It seemed impossible.

The worst part was knowing I couldn't tell anyone. Marco's actual cause of death would be covered up however his father and Aphrodite saw fit. It made my chest ache that Iridescence and a bunch of Greek Gods were the only ones who'd know what really happened to him.

"Lo siento, Marco," I whispered as I got dressed. I headed downstairs for dinner because I knew I had to.

My parents greeted me with big smiles. I forced myself to smile back.

"How was your day, Mija?" Ma asked.

"It was alright," I replied, not offering up anything else.

"Just alright?" Pa asked.

"It was just another day," I lied. I hated lying to my parents. We were close and I'd always been honest with them before.

"I got a one hundred on my spelling test," my youngest brother Miguel said in excitement.

"Nerd," Ricky teased him. Ricky was thirteen and vaguely evil sometimes. Miguel was only seven.

"Leave him alone, Ricky," I scolded him. "I'm proud of you, Miguel."

Miguel beamed at me. Ricky rolled his eyes. "Shut up, Miss Perfect," he mumbled.

"Erik Joseph Ramos, do not use that kind of language at the dinner table!" Pa said firmly.

"Apologize, Mijo," Ma added.

"Sorry, Jenna," Ricky replied obediently because he knew our parents wouldn't let his comment go until he did.

"Pass the salt, twerp," JJ said. JJ was my only older brother. He'd just started his freshman year of college.

"Leave your brother alone, Junior," Pa said in a warning tone. JJ might officially be a legal adult, but in our house, he was still expected to behave and set a good example for his younger siblings.

"Lo siento, Pa," JJ replied. Then he added, "I know Ricky can't help it that he's so short."

Everyone laughed as Ricky scowled. Dinner continued casually after that. I stayed fairly quiet, replying only when spoken to.

"You've barely touched your food, Mija," Ma said in concern. "Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm just tired, Mami," I replied.

"You work too hard, Mija. Go get some rest." She kissed my forehead before allowing me to leave the table.

I headed back to my room and tried to do my homework. It wasn't my best effort. Soon enough, I changed and got ready for bed. That was probably a mistake.

As soon as I fell asleep, I started to dream. I was in the locker room at school after a track meet. I was alone, stretching my muscles out. I heard something dragging across the ground.

Confused, I followed the sound. I turned a corner and saw Marco. His face was still unrecognizable as he looked up at me, but his eyes were open and glaring at me. His mouth began to open and he shouted, "You didn't save me!"

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