Chapter Ten (Eliza)

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I was quite surprised when my gym class began with an announcement. "Class, I would like to introduce you to a new teacher who will be joining us," Mr. Markson said. He pointed toward someone whose back was to us as he set up some equipment. "This is Mr. Ray. He is a student teacher in the music department, but he is also an accomplished archer, and he's graciously come by today to give you all a crash course in the sport."

My eyes widened in shock as Apollo turned around and smiled at us. "Who here has ever shot an arrow before?" He asked cheerfully. He was wearing a white gym t-shirt with the school's name written across it in bold navy blue letters and a pair of matching navy blue shorts. My eyes fell on his long white crew socks and white sneakers that were so clean they were almost blinding. It took me a moment to process what I was seeing.

A couple of kids raised their hands. "That was a trick question," Apollo said with a laugh. "You don't shoot an arrow... You loose an arrow. Like this." He casually loosed an arrow into the nearest target without looking at it.

The class reacted in excitement. Some kids clapped and others cheered. I watched him, torn between my shock and genuine awe at his archery skills.

"Everyone, grab an arm guard and line up," Apollo instructed. As they did, he took me aside and strapped an arm guard on me.

"Here," he said softly. "This one's for you. It's got protection magic on it."

"What are you doing here?" I whispered.

"I got myself a job so I can keep an eye on you girls in school," he replied. "I applied as a music teacher, but when they asked about my hobbies and I listed archery, they asked me to help out with the gym classes, too."

"Apollo, what if someone recognizes you?"

"They won't. I'm just a humble student teacher named Mr. Ray... Get it? Like a ray of sunlight?" He grinned at me.

"Subtlety isn't your strong suit, is it?" I asked with a slight laugh.

He grinned more at my response. "Not at all," he confirmed. "Now, line up."

I got in line. Apollo began to demonstrate the proper stance before he let kids start loosing arrows. Some hit the edge of the target, others nearly hit the bullseye. A few missed the target entirely. When it was my turn, I was very nervous to be at the center of attention. I realized I was trembling when Apollo gently touched my arm.

"Breathe, Eliza," he said soothingly.

"Mr. Ray, please refrain from touching the students," Mr. Markson said firmly.

"Right! Sorry about that," Apollo replied. He stepped back a little. "Pardon my forwardness, Miss," he added with a subtle wink.

"It's alright," I replied shyly.

"Just relax and take your time," he coached me. He'd shown me how to use a bow and arrow during our training, but now I had an audience, and that scared me. "It's just you and me, Eliza," he whispered. "You can do this."

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. With Apollo beside me, I felt calmer. I opened my eyes and loosed the arrow. To my shock, it hit the target. In fact, it was closer than anyone else had come to the center of the bullseye.

My classmates cheered in surprise. Mr. Markson gasped. I'd never shown any athletic ability whatsoever before, so I can't really blame him. "Eliza Alden, you've been holding out on us!" He declared.

"That was excellent, Eliza," Apollo told me as he beamed with pride.

I felt myself blushing. I hated being the center of attention. Apollo seemed to realize this, and he called the next person up, but he was still smiling at me.

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