Chapter Thirty-Three (Jenna)

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I was very surprised when I arrived at training with Vanessa, who had just been getting out of drama club as I left the school. In addition to the usual deities, several more were present. My eyes immediately fell on Gaia.

She'd donned a more human appearance than she had in my vision, but her hair was still decorated with branches and flowers. "Mom..." I whispered.

Gaia wrapped me in an embrace of flowers and vines. It reminded me of how tight my Ma hugged me, and I was immediately comforted.

Nike ran toward us and joined the hug. "When Alexia died, I vowed to avenge her," Nike informed me.

"It was Theos," I informed her. "He murdered her."

"That devious little..." Nike began rambling in Ancient Greek. To my surprise, I understood her words. None of them were polite.

"My sentiments exactly, Nike," Gaia said. "May I have a moment with my daughter?"

"Of course," Nike replied, quickly walking toward a God I recognized as Pallas.

"He's Alexia's father, right?" I asked softly.

"He is," Gaia replied fondly. "He was quite pleased to learn of your existence, Jenna."

It was strange, because I recognized Mami and Pa as my parents, but I also felt like Gaia and Pallas were. It was beginning to sink in that, while I was Jenna Ramos, I was also Alexia, and she'd woken up inside of me. There was no going back to the way things had been before. I could only move forward, existing as both parts of myself.

I watched as Hermes and a Goddess who seemed to be made of Water fussed over Krissy. That's Tethys, I realized. Morpheus stood very close to Emily and Vanessa. A God who glowed with sunlight even more than Apollo did stood with Faith and Artemis. And there's Helios, I thought.

Eliza stood awkwardly with a subtly beautiful Goddess and a God who radiated light. She seemed very uncomfortable as they spoke to her. Both deities seemed happy, although the Goddess was quiet, reserved, and very grounded. There was an innate sadness about her, while the God seemed full of joy and pure happiness. There was an interesting balance between them.

"Go on, rescue poor Kleia," Gaia said knowingly.

"I... Shouldn't I stay with you?" I asked.

"We can catch up later. I'm afraid Aether and Polyhymnia are a bit much for your friend to handle now. Kleia may adore her parents, but Eliza just lost hers. It's understandable she's overwhelmed. You're an Earth deity, Alexia, and as Jenna, you are naturally grounded. You can help keep Eliza from becoming too overwhelmed. Go ahead. I'll be here when you return."

I hugged Gaia gratefully before making my way over to Eliza. "Excuse me," I said politely, "but I promised Eliza I'd help her work on her defensive moves."

"Oh, of course," Aether said awkwardly. He still had a look of awe and adoration on his face as he looked at Eliza. He stroked her hair gently before saying, "Be careful, my sweet Kleia."

Polyhymnia seemed to understand my motives. She nodded at me before saying, "Yes, training is important. We are here if you need us, Kl... Eliza."

It was clear Polyhymnia was trying to respect the fact that Eliza was her own person. It was also clear it was difficult for her not to cling to her lost daughter. I respected the fact that she was attempting to accept the situation for what it was.

As we moved to a training area, Eliza offered me a grateful smile. "Thanks," she said softly.

"No problem," I replied.

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