Chapter Forty-One (Faith)

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I didn't stay in my room for long. While I was physically exhausted from battling the chimera, and mentally exhausted from my encounter with Liana, I knew there was something I had to do.

"Faith, where are you going?" Genie whispered as she spotted me standing at the window.

"There's something I need to do, Genie," I replied. "It's important."

"Does this have anything to do with what happened to me and Baby Doll?" She looked nervous, but she was trying to be brave. I knew she must be terrified by what they'd experienced, and I hadn't really had time to explain everything to her yet.

"Sort of. I know I promised to explain, but it's complicated... Will you stay here and cover for me? And make sure no one messes with Baby Doll?"

"Of course, but you can tell me the truth, Faith. You don't have to sneak around. We're friends, and roommates, which makes us like sisters, right? I've got your back."

"I know, Genie, and I appreciate it," I replied. "I just don't want to put you in unnecessary danger if I can help it." I opened the window. "Thanks for covering for me. I'll see you soon."

"Be careful, Faith," she said with obvious concern.

"I'll do my best." I climbed out of the window and made my escape.

I walked quickly and with purpose, hoping my instincts were right about which way to go. The moon was shining brightly in the sky. It was nearly full, and I took comfort in this reminder of Artemis as I walked through the night.

I found my target standing outside of my old house. They'd rebuilt it, but it didn't look anything like the original, and my mom and I had never moved back in. When Mom wasn't in the hospital, we lived in a two-bedroom apartment on Main Street. It wasn't much, but it was home as long as my mom was around. The group home honestly felt more like my home the rest of the time. The apartment wasn't the same without my mom. Maybe that was why she sold the property before they rebuilt the house; without my dad, that house wasn't home anymore.

"Uncle Deacon, we need to talk," I said firmly.

He wasn't wearing his mask now, and he looked at me almost sadly. "Faith, unless you've come to join us, there's nothing to say," he replied.

"Why would you come here?" I asked.

"To face the past," Deacon replied. "Listen, Firefly, you have to understand, this is complicated."

"What is?" I asked.

"They were watching me for weeks... They saw my potential. When they set the fire, they only intended to fake my death. No one was supposed to be harmed."

I stared at him, not believing my ears as I took in his words. "The fire wasn't an accident?" I asked in disbelief.

"It was a means to an end. They only wanted me, Firefly. Henry... He wasn't supposed to be hurt. I loved my brother. You know that. You were all supposed to escape from the house, and I was meant to fulfill my destiny."

"Those idiots murdered my dad, and you're working for them!" I shouted. "You're nothing but a traitor, Deacon! Go to hell!"

I was about to storm off when I remembered why I'd been looking for him in the first place. "Where's Krissy?" I demanded.

"I can take you to her if you join us," Deacon replied.

"No deal. Just tell me what Altheos has done with her. I'll rescue her with people I can trust."

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