Chapter Fifteen (Artemis)

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No matter how far I ran, I couldn't calm my mind. I knew what the implications of my meeting with Faith were, but I wasn't ready to accept them. It just wasn't possible that Faith and Tana were the same person.

I couldn't deny that Faith reminded me of my best friend who'd perished so long ago. They had a similar sense of humor, and just like Faith, Tana had always flirted with me any chance she got. Nothing ever came of it, of course. I was never the sort to have relationships or pursue romance. Honestly, I couldn't say for sure what my feelings were for Tana. I never really let myself consider it before she died, and afterward, what was the point? She was gone. I'd lost her.

I was feeling too many things at once. Even being in the woods was failing to clear my mind, something that worried me because that had never happened before. I returned to Olympus and went in search of someone who might be able to put things in perspective for me.

Athena was training some of the younger warrior deities when I arrived. She seemed to notice my distress immediately. She excused herself and came toward me.

"Are you alright, Artemis?" She asked in concern.

"I'm not sure," I admitted. "Athena, a situation has just presented itself and I desperately need clarity."

She guided me to a more secluded area so we could have privacy before she said, "Go on. Tell me what troubles you."

"I know you are aware of the girls I am currently working with."

"Yes. It's a magnificent undertaking and I can think of no one better to guide such strong young women."

I ignored the compliment. "Apollo recently realized one of the girls is the reincarnation of his lost beloved."

Athena's eyes widened in surprise. "Kleia?" She asked in disbelief. "That's impossible. She was completely destroyed."

"That is what we believed, yes... However, Morpheus kept a small shard of her soul within the dream realm, and eventually, that part of her incarnated in the mortal realm."

"Is Apollo certain?"

"He is."

"Has anyone told Aether or Polyhymnia?"

"Not yet. Apollo intended to tell Eliza the truth about her soul today. I haven't seen him since."

"This is excellent news, Artemis. I assume it is not what has you so concerned."

"I believe my brother is correct, and Eliza is the reincarnation of Kleia. I had not considered that my other girls might be special in similar ways." I hesitated. "Athena, one of the girls appears to have knowledge only Tana would possess."

Athena looked at me with sympathy in her eyes. "You were so young when you lost her. I know it traumatized you as nothing else ever has."

"It made me stronger, as do all of my struggles."

"Do you believe this girl is Tana?"

"She burned to ash. Morpheus was not present to save any part of her. I don't understand how it could be possible, yet she does remind me of her. I never let myself see it before, but now I cannot deny it."

"If Tana has returned, you must protect her. She will be targeted."

"I can't be sure it's her. It's impossible, Athena."

"Only one will be able to detect the truth for certain, Artemis. If you require proof, you must seek her out."

"Psyche," I guessed.

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