Chapter Forty (Emily)

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I had absolutely no idea where I could "safely" release a dragon in Queens. Artemis and Faith stayed with me as I searched for the right spot. I finally settled on the woods where we'd been doing most of our training.

Before I could release the dragon, several spirits came toward us. Like the others, they had red cords wrapped around them. I pulled out my dagger and started cutting the cords.

Faith looked horrified as she stared at one of the spirits. The girl looked around our age. Her eyes were fixed on Faith as the spirit army attacked us.

"Liana, stop!" Faith cried as the spirit lunged at her. "Please, Li, this isn't you!"

"This is your roommate's spirit?" I asked, remembering what Faith had told us about her.

"Yes... I have to save her, Emily. I can't leave her like this."

Liana tried to claw Faith's eyes out of their sockets. Before she could do any serious damage, I slashed the cord binding her to Altheos with tremendous force. As it fell to the ground, Liana tensed for a moment. She moved away from Faith and looked horrified by what she'd done.

"Faith..." She whispered.

"Li... Li, I'm so sorry!" Faith sobbed.

"Why are you apologizing? I'm the one who just attempted to blind you," Liana said in confusion.

"He killed you to hurt me. You weren't part of this."

"I don't remember how I ended up in that alley, but all of a sudden, there were snakes everywhere..." Liana shook her head. "It hurt, and I was terrified, but then he came to me. He promised he would protect me, and that I'd never feel pain again. His voice was so soothing... I should know better than to believe charming guys promising me the world. I'm a foster kid... I don't know what I was thinking. It was stupid, but something about his tone made me accept his offer... I don't remember anything else."

"It's not your fault," Artemis said. "Altheos could sell water to the ocean. He has a way of speaking that makes everyone believe him."

"You need to cross over," I said gently. "Hades will protect you from Altheos."

Liana hugged Faith. "Be careful who you trust, Faithie," she said. "Stranger danger is a thing, but sometimes monsters hide in plain sight where you least expect to find them."

"I'll be careful," Faith promised.

Liana looked at me. "I'm ready," she said.

I focused. Hades appeared moments later. "This is Liana," I explained.

Hades looked at Liana and Faith and nodded. "I see," he replied. "I apologize for the actions of my abomination of an offspring. You are safe now, Liana. Come. I will give you a special place in the Underworld." He offered her his hand. Liana took it, and they vanished from sight.

Faith took a deep breath and released it. "Thanks, Emily," she said softly.

"No problem," I replied. "Are you alright?"

"I'm better now that I know Liana is safe." She smiled and said, "So, what are you waiting for? Release the dragon!"

I rubbed the marble between my fingers before tracing the symbol that would open the labyrinth with my index finger. Moments later, the labyrinth expanded and opened up. The dragon walked out, released a bit of fire, and started running around us in eager circles.

The dragon seemed relieved to be released. She looked at me and I suddenly realized I could understand her much more clearly than I had before.

I am Nomiki, she told me. Call on me if you are in peril. I am yours.

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