Chapter Twenty-Nine (Vanessa)

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Krissy and the rest of us worked together to explain things to Abby over pizza. Lucky listened attentively, trying to catch himself up on the parts he didn't know.

Abby, to her credit, did not immediately call the men in white coats to take us away. Instead, she listened silently for a while before saying, "Girls... Don't ever keep something this big from me again. I can't take care of you properly if I don't understand what you're up against."

"You believe us?" Krissy asked.

"After what I witnesses today? Of course I believe you," Abby replied. "I may not understand it, but I believe in supernatural forces. This isn't that big of a stretch..." She paused. "Krissy... You mentioned the name-"

"Tophie," Krissy cut her off. "My brother. The one who erased my memories of him and of my powers to protect me."

"You have a brother?" Eliza asked.

"Had," Krissy replied. "He was eleven years older than me... And he sacrificed his life to save me when I was five, meaning he was only sixteen."

"Your parents thought the trauma made you forget Christopher," Abby said softly. "It seemed cruel to remind you, so they just kind of hid all signs of him away. I hated that, but I had to respect their wishes." Abby shook her head. "I was only two years older than he was. I loved him like he was my little brother."

I realized then just how young Abby actually was. I had assumed she was at least in her thirties despite her youthful appearance since she was Krissy's guardian, but this meant she was only about twenty-eight years old.

"It's okay, Abby. I understand why you guys didn't tell me," Krissy reassured her.

It was Lucky who broke the awkward silence that followed. "So, do you girls think Artemis will let me train with you?" He asked.

"Nope," Faith replied. "No offense, but she's strict on the 'no boys' thing. She only tolerates the male deities being around because they're helping to train us."

"But he's Thea and Ana's brother," I objected. "Emily and I will be stronger if he fights with us."

"He needs to train, too," Jenna added.

"He's not a girl," Faith said again.

"I look great in a dress, but you're right," Lucky replied with a laugh. "It's okay. Artemis will do what she thinks is right. I'm not actually part of your group, and I get that. I'm figuring my powers out on my own pretty well anyway."

"Our dad will help you," I said. "He's going to be so happy we found you!"

Suddenly, I heard a whisper in my mind. It was so faint I nearly missed it.

Vanessa... The whisper called. Vanessa, I'm scared...

"I have to go to sleep," I said suddenly, no doubt confusing my friends.

"You must be exhausted with everything you did today," Abby said sympathetically.

"Someone's in trouble," I clarified. "I think it's Billy. I need to go to sleep so I can find him."

"You can take a nap in my room," Krissy offered. She stood up and walked me upstairs.

I spotted the axolotl and smiled back at the happy pink creature. "Oh my gosh, how cute!" I gushed.

"That's Axl... Axl, this is Vanessa. Watch over her while she sleeps, okay?" Krissy asked. She motioned toward the bed, so I got into it, happy my shoes were still downstairs. As part of my culture, I never wore my shoes while walking around someone's house.

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