Chapter Thirty-Six (Vanessa)

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I hated leaving Billy alone when I was in school, so I had decided to try to teach him to read while I was home. My mom supported this idea and pulled my old school books from first grade out of the attic. I guess it's lucky that my mom never threw anything out except for my father.

Billy hadn't read anything since he was five, but he still knew the basics. He knew the alphabet and could sound out words. He even recognized a few of them from before he'd been locked in the basement.

"My mom liked reading with me," he explained softly. "She started teaching me when I was three."

"We'll read together every day," I promised him, sensing it comforted him. "Addison said she's assigning a home school instructor to you who can help you with your other subjects. You'll catch up little by little until you know as much as any other teenager."

"Thanks for doing this for me, Vanessa."

"You don't have to keep thanking me, Billy. I'm happy to help." I smiled at him. As I looked into his dark eyes, I felt a rush of Theadora's emotions.

It wasn't just love that I felt for him, although there was plenty of that. This went deeper than my usual crushes. I felt like Billy kept me balanced and grounded, as if I'd float away into oblivion and never return without him. Our connection was intense, and I was only just starting to understand it fully.

"Vanessa... I feel like I was looking for you," Billy said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"While I was locked away in the darkness, I feel like part of me knew you were out there, and I was looking for you. Does that make sense?"

"It does," I replied. "Our souls are connected, Billy. I told you some of what I know, but I think it's even more complicated. We weren't just consorts... We balance each other. We need each other to stay functional."

"I was sad without you... All I knew was being alone and sad. Now, I'm almost happy."


"I'm happy when we're together, but I still get sad... And scared. I know my dad is gone, but part of me is so scared he'll hurt me again."

"He can't hurt you anymore, Billy," I said soothingly. "And I won't let anyone else do it either. The longer you're safe, the more you'll realize that." I kissed his cheek.

My mom walked in as I resumed reading with Billy. "It's very late, my darlings," she said. "Get some rest. Dream good dreams."

Billy stood up. "Goodnight, Vanessa," he said softly.

"Goodnight," I replied. Billy left to sleep in what used to be our spare room. My mom kissed my forehead before leaving me to sleep.

I curled up under the blankets and immediately fell asleep. I thought about looking for Billy so I could keep him safe as he slept, but I sensed something else pulling me toward it.

A teenage boy stood nearby. His aura pulsed around him and hid him from my sight, but I could hear his words. He radiated power, although he was trying to contain it. He spoke to someone in a reassuring tone, his words full of promises I suspected he had no intention of keeping. I recognized who he must be... This was Altheos in whatever form he wore now.

"If you help me, we can end this once and for all," he said. "No one will laugh at you ever again. They will finally see your worth."

"I'm not interested," the boy he spoke to replied. I could see him clearly. He was African-American and looked about my age. "Leave me alone."

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