How did that happen?

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I stand in the centre of a garden, barking and laughter plays in the back ground. The source of the barking knocks me over, and starts licking all over my face.

"Mon! Get off Miyo! He can't handle all of your kisses!"

A hand emerges into my line of vision and Mon jumps off me.

A blurred face appears in front of me, they extend their hand to help me up from the ground, I take it and sit up. The person sits down beside me and pulls me into a side hug.

We sit there for a while, and hum a small tune together. I lay my head on the others shoulder.

A voice sounds in the distance, the person beside me huffs at them. They ruffle my hair,

"See you soon enough squirt, I'll bring that new world to you..."

~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~

Miyo shoots up in the bed, his injuries screaming at him for doing such a movement, his breathing is ragged and fast paced.

Someone touches his shoulder and Miyo feels an imaginary shock rip through his whole body, he blocks out everything, trying to calm down on his own.

A hand, one that Miyo doesn't recognise, taps a pattern of sorts onto his knee. The boy unconsciously follows the pattern with his breathing and his senses come back to him.

Miyo hears a male voice to his right, they must be the owner of the hand tapping the pattern, he chances taking a glance up at the person.

'They have long black hair, dark stuble covers their chin and jawline, their eyes are a deep brown a red tint can be seen in them, possible area of quirk. They're wearing a scarf of sorts around their neck, to thick to be normal scarf, maybe weapon, no its a capture weapon, their clothes are coloured in a mix of blacks, greys, and dark blues. Muscles can be seen through top, possibly an athlete, policeman or hero. Posture is slouched, used to hiding from unwanted eyes, feet are planted firmly on the ground, seems like a habit incase of needing to leave...'

The pattern stops while Miyo observes the person, when he gets to the part about their feet they lift their feet of the floor slightly.

Miyo stops analysing, the person is chuckling beside him.

"... I said all of that out loud didn't I?"

They chuckle some more before responding.

"Yes child, you murmured all of your analysis on me aloud. It was very impressive if I'm being honest."

'Oh this is what approval and praise from a male adult feels like... nice, I like it.'

"What's your name child?"

"Takei Miyo. What's your name?"

"Ah yes, I apologise for not introducing myself. I'm Aizawa."

"Are you, by chance, a hero of some kind?"

Aizawa blinks at Miyo a few times, seeming to gather his thoughts, his mouth lifting at the corners.

"I am a hero. I don't think you would know who I am though."

"Are you the Underground Hero Eraserhead?"

Aizawa's head nods 'yes' and his mouth opens slightly and he mutters something to himself. Something along the lines of 'Holy shit, he knows who I am.' And something like, 'Hizashi is going to get a kick out of this.'

"Why are you in my room Aizawa?"

"Well, I was here, in the hospital with someone else, and the nurses outside started to make a ruckus in the hall outside your room. They kept saying that your quirk wouldn't let them check on you while you were asleep. I showed them my hero licence and they let me into your room. I used my quirk on yours and that's when you woke up and started having a panic attack, I know how to deal with those so I decided to try and assist you in calming down. Now we're here, is that a believable explanation for you?"

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