invisible bomb shelter

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in school we've been doing ww1
i've learned a lot about bomb shelters.
their protective ability
the bunk beds inside.

i want to protect you
not from enemy bombers
from the world
from people
but mostly from you.

you're a rose
you have this tough
i don't need your help exterior
but i know you well enough
it's all a facade
an act so people don't question
why you would be bombing your own home

i imagine how you'd have felt
the woods in 30 degree heat
me taking an hour to eat a sandwich
taking a break to sit
on our way home.
i wonder if you got blisters again
from those shoes of yours.

you didn't want to tell me
how many minutes did you spend
bombing beforehand
what bomb type?
"just shut up"
"it's not that sore"
"you can keep going"
"for gods sake she'll think you're so lazy"
"suck it up you idiot"
or was it all of them?

i feel safe with you
you're my bomb shelter
when no one else is there
i'm alone
sitting on my bunk
you're there.
i hope you feel the same
if you don't,
that's understandable
i'm not the sturdiest material.

it's almost as if
you're a quiet voice
whispering in my ear
"i know"
the comfort of you knowing,
still being there when you don't.

you don't question
you just hear and listen
you believe me
you hear me
you've saved me
without even knowing it

by o.p.

thank you

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