Wanna play hopscotch?
Maybe you'll have better luck than I
I am yet to win
Its exclusive
Once you're out, you're out
Devoted to youThe heart wants what the mind cannot fathom
For I am a child, you see me as such
Threw 10 jumps not 6
You're happy with her
One day I will have to come to terms with the fact that you do not love me
You never willFriends, house, grades, I feel I know you
Criminal, throw me in the mental hospital
Turn the lock, throw the key
Please, just you.
Let's play cops and robbers
Impossible not to imagine you with meI want to consume you bit by bit, limb by limb, cell by cell
I'd save you from the jail
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
Too niche?
Do I love you as deeply as I think I do or am I desperate, for love and lust, like a dirty whore
Lust is not very ladylike
Dear god help me overcomeDress up;
I am too much yet I can't stop
Can't save myself from the flammable frills of emotion
My feelings would burn the wardrobe to the ground if I took one step too close to that rose scented candleWould like to think I'd make a good partner, in crime or love
We could connect the two, together
Maybe it's a game of catch
You'll know I can throw, not catch, give, not receive
Once you know me that isUnapproachable, unappealing and always the last chosen in sport
Give me a chance I beg on my hands and kneesI'll end up partnered with the greasy boy rumoured to have eaten a slug, for all eternity
Adopted by the bookworms, computer nerds, straight As, hands up
Feeling out of place with my own people
They're all men
I am a girl
I love like a girl
Love me like a girl
Never wanted to be 'one of the boys'
Girlish fantasiesTwirling my hair at the thought of you, you being mine
Don't let this face fool you,
No one else is playing dress up anymore but I can't seem to tear the monster costume off my skin
They can't see I'm not scary, they do not need to come brandishing swords
Like you, I want most of all to be seen as a girl
I wish I'd be seen human,
but it seems the only girls treated as such in this game are the beauties or social butterflies
I don't hate men
But I certainly don't want to be seen as the skin I created to protect myself from them
See me
Love me
Know me
For although I don't seem it,
I'm a girl just like you