Voice (Wanda)

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Trans ftm reader x Wanda

You felt your girlfriend's hand caressing your shoulder, making you more awake.

Good morning handsome.


You muttered, remembering what happened yesterday. You squezzed your pillow harder and refused to look at Wanda because you were ashamed.

So, you were trans man, who just started medically tranistioning. You couldn't see much effects, but everyone kept saying you must be patient. Actually you were just happy to know that now you made that step. For over a year you were too scared to go to the doctor and ask for hormones. If Wanda wasn't so supportove you'd propably be too scared until today.

Yesterday, Stark threw one of his famous parties. You were actually excited to go, since Wanda helped you pick your suit and everything. She gave you mens' cologne as a present for your anniversary.

It all went great, until Bucky and Steve showed up. You were just talking with Maria, since you were good friends, Wanda propably getting some food when they started commenting your outfit and behaviour.

Look, what's this?

Steve showed at the bump on your chest. You tried to cover your chest with your arms but they were laughing already. You tried to bind with trans tape and still had to find the best way for yourself.

I'm still learning.

You said, much more quiet than you'd like to.

Learning what exacly?

Steve looked at you, disgusted.

Hey, leave him alone and go make childish jokes somewhere else.

Maria interrupted and you felt very relieved that you weren't alone. But then... You shouldn't need help, you should handle situations like those, shouldn't you?

You didn't have time to tell anyone anything because Bucky started laughing and Steve pointed his finger at you.

This is a childish joke. A girl pretending to be a boy.

Maria opened her mouth and tried to say something but you were first.

I' m not pretending. I am a boy.

Do you believe her?

Bucky looked at Maria.


You screamed, feeling the tears falling down your cheeks.

Really? Then why you even sound like one? You're pathet...

He didn't get to finish because red magic pinned him against the wall.

Leave my boyfriend alone you asshole!

She punched him in the stomach and let fall on the ground. Then she looked around, searching for you, but you ran away.

She found you on a bench in mini park near compound, with Maria sitting with you.

And then Steve would fall and whine just like a baby... Hi Wanda, I was telling Y/N about Steve's first days in SHIELD.

She nodded to the brunette, wanting to thank her without using words and gestured to you that you should follow her. The whole ride home and then getting ready to go to sleep, you didn't talk. You just nodded or shook your head if she asked anything. She figured out you need space now, so she tried to be respecful.

But today, she started to worry about you.

Honey, you shouldn't think so much about yesterday. They were both drunk, besides, Maria will understand if you don't want missions with them...


Come on. It's just me, you can tell me everything that's going in that head.

She played with your hair and it made her happy that you didn't move away.

What if they were right? What if I'd never be a real man?

Your voice started shaking once again and you hit yourself in the shoulder and chest.

Hey, man, calm down. You can show your emotions in any way you want, but no hurting yourself.

She took your hands in hers and started tracing patterns with her thumbs.

I hate my voice. I sound like a small girl.

No you don't. And your voice will change I promise. You need to be patient love. Besides, I like it. It makes me calm and cozy...

You're lying Wanda.

No I'm not.

Yes you are.

Well you can read my mind to see yourself that I'm telling the truth and truth only.

Gladly but you forgot about a little detail... You're the one that can read minds not me!

Oh my bad. Can I ask for your forgivness sir?

You both burst out laughing. Then she somehow dragged you to the gym with her. When you were done, you ate dinner together and were now resting on the balcony, both of you reading books. She started a book you recommended her. It was good and also had steamy scenes... You kind of forgot about it until you saw that she clenched her thighs together.

You smirked and got up. She shut her book and looked at you, trying to mask her emotions.

You know that books can be very educational? For example I learned a lot about strap ons from this one.

You smirked when she blushed, but then quickly fixed herself.

So do you want me to teach you how to use one?


Fuck, Y/N harder please!

The woman screamed as you pounded into her pussy from behind. She really underrestimated you.

Oh yes daddy! I'm gonna cum!

You changed the rythm and slapped her ass when she started whining. Her skin turned into shade of red.

You love it, don't you darling?

You thrusted one last time before feeling your orgasm taking over your body. She reached her climax too and just fell on the sheets when you pulled away.

You took a shower together and came back to bed to cuddle. You buried your face in her chest and sighed.

Isn't it strange I hate my chest but absolutely love yours?


She buried her face in your hair.

I love your shampoo.

Do you want it for your birthday or something?

You started both laughing.

It was a compliment dumbass.

She kissed your forehead and you soon fell asleep in her arms.

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