Chapter Eleven

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Soon after breakfast, Alicia called a girl's meeting. They all went to Jennifer's room and sat on her double bed.

"When do you reckon that we can decorate these rooms?" Jasi asked.

"Not the time!" Jeni said. Jasi raised her hands in mock surrender and turned to her little sister.

"So what's up, Lic? Spill."

Alicia quickly explained her side of the story that she thinks could have happened, while her sisters listened quietly.

"I knew something would happen, I fucking knew it," Jeni snapped, standing up. She folded her arms and started pacing, her boots clicking on the floor. "We should run away."

"Or kill someone in their sleep," Jasmine replied sarcastically.

"Jasi, you're not taking this seriously! Dude could have raped our sister - literally in the same week that he promised he wouldn't - and you're fucking joking about it!"

"Look, I know what Lic thinks he did that to her. And if he did, I will personally chop his balls off. However, we don't know. Lic, not that I don't trust you, but I think that this could be it... this could be something real."

"Jasmine, listen to yourself! You're daydreaming again, you bloody idiot. This happened at like five of the other places, you said that you thought it was real. Wake up, sis. Nobody cares about us, and we've got to look out for ourselves, because no one. Else. Will. Got it?"

"Maybe you're wrong! Maybe this time it will work out!"

"It won't!"

"You don't know that!"

"You don't know it will!"

"GIRLS! ENOUGH!" Liam yelled, walking past.

"Are you in or are you out?" Jeni snapped in her sisters' face. During the course of their arguing, the girls had gotten face-to-face.

"I'm in, of course," Jasi replied.


The girls stood in a line and shoved past Liam, who stared after them. "What the hell?"

Storming downstairs, the girls assembled in the kitchen and stared at Louis, who grinned.

"What's up, girls? Hungry?"

"No," they spat. Jeni stepped forward.

"We need answers."

"You have questions?" Louis asked.

The girls simply glared at him, and he surrendered.

"Boys! Family meeting, now," he called.

When everyone was assembled in the living room, Jeni stood.

"First of all, who the fuck were all those people out the front that tried to kill Alicia?"

"Okay well they weren't trying to kill Ali," Louis said. "They're fans."

"Why do you have them?" Jasmine burst out.

One Direction had the somewhat strange task of explaining to the girls that they were famous, a band called One Direction.

"So... you're... whatever," Jas said, shaking her head in confusion.

"Any more questions?" Liam asked. "Alicia?"

"Don't talk to her," Jeni ordered.

"Why not?" Liam asked, standing up. "What happened?"

"Don't you dare take one step," Jasi threatened. Liam ignored her and started walking towards the youngest girl.

"Alicia, what happened?"

The girls glanced at each other and without any words, they turned and ran towards the same door. They went out, and the other boys jumped up and began to chase them.

"Girls! Come back!"

In a synchronized movement, the girls all swerved toward the front door. Unfortunately, the locks were still all open from earlier, and they managed to open it in a matter of seconds.

With a single look back, the sisters dove into the crowd of psycho fans and ran.

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