Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Quick A/N: I have been home for less than ten minutes and decided that since I finished this chapter off on the plane, I may as well give you an update! No promises about the quality seeing as it easily wins the award for 'Chapter Written in Weirdest Places' (planes at 2am, trains at 11pm, hotel rooms, ski lifts etc) but here you go!

Jasmine and Jeni jumped when the front door was slammed open and a furious Niall stormed through it, followed by Alicia, who was trying her hardest not to giggle.

"Liam!" Niall yelled, going into the kitchen. Glancing at each other, Jeni and Jasi ran to their sister, abandoning their game of Go Fish on the couch.

"What the fuck did you do?"
Grinning slyly, Alicia slid a shoebox out of the bag on her arm.
"Niall wanted to buy me sneakers, but wouldn't get anything pretty. So, when we had picked out some shoes and gotten the box, I switched them with these."
She opened the shoebox to reveal a pair of stilettos. They were a colour that couldn't decide if it was silver or gold, covered in diamantes that sparkled.
"What about the sneakers?" Jasmine eventually asked.
"Hey, nice teeth. Yeah the sneakers are here too, they're pretty nice."
Her sisters glanced in the bag, before sending accusing stares at their younger sibling.

"So you stole the heels?"
Ali shrugged, slipping the box back into her bag.
"I gotta get upstairs before Niall or Liam murders my ass."
"Ass is right," Jeni muttered at the same time that Jasmine grabbed her departing sister's arm.
"Wait, you fucking STOLE!"

"Yeah, big deal." Ali rolled her eyes.
"It is a big deal!"
"Don't you dare play that preachy older sister bullshit with me, Jas. You've done much worse - ever heard of $800 worth of Chanel perfume?"
"Okay shut the fuck up, Alicia. You're just an asshat with a big mouth."

Sensing that it was about to turn ugly, Jeni stepped in between them, taking a step back to force Jasmine to move. The two older sisters stood beside each other, glaring at Alicia.
"Ali, we all did shit when we were younger but we had to then. We don't anymore! You want something, they'll cover it - or has your tree hugging little ass not realised that yet? If Luke says that you can't have them, then you don't fucking steal!"
"What then? Just lie the fuck down and do what they say?"
"No! God no. But don't break the fucking law, dipshit! If you really want them, find money, ask for money, lie to them or something - hell, if one won't do it, ask another. There's five of them, and from what I've seen they aren't that bright as a collective!"
"Stop attacking me, you big mistake!"
"Stop being stupid, accidental fuck consequence!"
"Look bitch, we're really trying now," Jasmine said.
"So that's why your phone is currently in Harry's bedroom? Because you're such an angel but you got your fucking phone taken away?!"

"I hate you!" Jasmine screamed.
"Well you're a shitty vagina-equipped clone of them now!"
"Because maybe they're actually decent people, as opposed to a slutty low life thief who can't even ride a bike," Jasmine yelled. "You're so fucking stupid you can't even see that someone actually cares now! It sometimes sucks - I would know, I've had medieval torture bricks hot glue gunned onto my teeth - but at least we know that they aren't going to turf us out onto the street because they got bored, or because they got arrested, or because CPS said they were unfit!"
Alicia's eyes glinted as she shot a deathly smile at her sister.
"How do you know that, though? We've been here for a few weeks and already, you're talking about forever. Do you not remember the foster families that we've had? So remind me, Jasmine Mae, exactly how you know that they aren't criminals, aren't going to break your needy little ass-kissing heart. Remind me how sure you are that you've actually found someone who will volunteer to be stuck with you for the rest of your life. Tell me how much you trust them so that I know what to remind you of when you think you've gotten over them dumping us right back with Ms "Background Check" Lloyd like a corroded battery."
"The only thing standing in the way of getting adopted is you," Jasmine said. "And I'm not against getting rid of my problems."
"So you think that they're going to adopt us? Seriously?" Alicia giggled, a menacing sound. "Good luck with that, you delusional bleached shitface."
"They're going to adopt me, one day," Jasmine said. "You? Maybe not. But I'm okay with that, because I actually care about this place and these guys."
At this, Alicia's face slowly crumpled, tears springing to her eyes. Jasmine was unrelenting, staring her down until she broke. As Harry walked in to break it up, Alicia gave up.
"It's like you're not even my sister," she gasped, running for the stairs.
"I'm not!" Jasmine called to her retreating back.

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