Chapter Nine

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⚠️TW: almost r@pe

Scarlet placed the last of the return books back in their spots on the shelves. Eddie watched completely interested. When she stepped down the ladder, she dusted her hands off and started grabbing trash bags.
"Baby, let me get those."
"We're not at home, Eddie," Scarlet laughed. "I just need to take these out and I'll be back, okay? If I take too long, please come check on me."
Eddie kissed her lightly and let her take the bags out. Scarlet noticed a Jeep parked on the other side of the road, a little further down the street. She thought it was peculiar but thought nothing of it. She shrugged it off and walked to the back of the building to the dumpsters. Scarlet opened the lid and tossed them in there. Her nose scrunched up as she smelt something rotten coming from inside.
"Damn, they need to add an air freshener in this thing," she mumbled.
As she turned around, Jason was invading her space. She jumped as he grabbed her wrist and twirled her around.
"You have been on my mind so much lately," he growled in her ear.
She could feel the hot breath going down her neck. It sent her a bad vibe. She didn't like where this was going. Jason's hands roamed and examined her body as she whimpered in fear.
"Now that I have you right where I want you," he chuckled.
He started to tug her pants down and saw her black, lacy thong. He moaned as he rubbed his bulge against her.
"Get off of me," she cried.
"No, I don't think I will," he laughed.
"Eddie!! Ed...!"
Jason covered her mouth and she knew this was it. Tears ran down her face as he held her close, using his strength to keep her still. She felt her thong being pulled to the side when she heard footsteps. Looking over, Eddie stood in horror.
"What the fuck?" he wondered quietly. "Scarlet, how could you..?"
Scarlet tugged on Jason enough to break free before he did anything to her. She stumbled on her feet as she fell at Eddie's feet.
"Eddie, listen to me, please...!"
"Why should I?! You want me to keep you safe from him but clearly you want to fuck him!"
"Eddie, just listen! I don't want Jason! You know that!"
"How do I know that?!" Eddie barked. "We're done, Scarlet!"
"Eddie, stop!" She sobbed.
Jason had already left, feeling satisfied with himself. Scarlet sat there, sobbing and heard the low rumble of his van. As she watched Eddie drive off, she pulled her knees to her chest and sobbed. Steve had heard someone crying nearby and walked over, finding Scarlet on her knees. Shit. He walked over and lifted her chin. Her tears made her vision blurry and she thought Steve was someone different.
"Sorry, gorgeous, but you're stuck with me," Steve replied softly. "What happened here?"
"Jason Carver, he tried to r-rape me and Eddie thought I wanted to fuck him," she sobbed. "Ed-Eddie broke up with me."
She fell on Steve, needing a shoulder to cry on. He provided. Harrington pulled her in and held her close. Eventually, he helped her to her feet and walked her to his car. She slid in and was still crying until she had fallen asleep. Steve sighed. He took her to his place for tonight and let her sleep in the guest room. Steve went back out to find Eddie, to talk about Scarlet. When he did, he was about to pay a hooker.
"Munson! We gotta talk."
"Harrington, can't you see I'm busy?"
Steve looked at the woman and could tell she wasn't going to be worth the money he was going to pay her. He told the hooker to scram and Eddie sighed, clearly about to lose it.
"What the fuck do you want to talk about?"
"It's about Scar," Steve began. "You should've let her explain, man."
"That she's been playing a two man show?! Yeah, no fucking thanks!"
"Dude, she fucking cried until she fell asleep in my car! If she cried because she lost you, then she truly fucking loves you! You are too fucking stupid and blind not to see that!"
Eddie glared at him until he finally caved. It better be worth hearing.

Scarlet woke in a bed she didn't recognize. She didn't bother getting up. Truthfully, she felt horrible. Eddie didn't want to listen. He didn't see how sad she was because of Jason. The tears came through again and she buried her face deep into the pillow. She felt a hand on her back. There was a slight coldness to them and she knew exactly who it was. Turning around, she saw a Munson with an expression of regret and despair.
"Eddie," she whispered.
She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. He returned the hug and didn't let go. Eddie felt like an asshole.
"Alright, Harrington. Tell me what sob story she told you."
"Before you came out, Jason was forcing himself on her," Steve explained.
Eddie's eyes went wide and his heart sank. He just broke up with her because she was almost raped. Eddie bent down and put his face in his hands. What the fuck did he do..?
"She's broken, Eddie. What he did or was about to do to her nearly shattered her. You were and still are the only person that can help her heal."
"She was almost..." Eddie started.
"Raped? Yeah," Steve finished.
Eddie stood to his feet, trying to find his van key. He started rushing to his van, knowing he needed to apologize.
"I gotta go see her."
"She's at my place. It was going to be pointless making her mom worry and probably keep her inside for the rest of her life because of one dickhead."
"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I should've listened," he whispered back.
"Steve told you?"
"Yeah, he told me," Eddie quietly told her. "I should've known better and I should've listened. I'm such a shitty boyfriend."
Scarlet pulled away and watched him. She could tell that he'd been crying about this himself. In some way, she knew he felt bad for leaving her. Scarlet placed a hand on his cheek and he leaned into it. Her hand was soft and gentle. Exactly how he remembered it.
"You're here now."
"I should've been there last night! Princess, I'm so sorry. You don't have to forgive me, but.."
"I do forgive you. For ever and always," she weakly smiled.
Steve walked to the door and leaned on the doorframe. He smiled at the couple and knew they were meant for each other. Eddie pecked her lips and just held her close to him. Never again will he let that happen. Never again will he refuse to listen to her. Never again will he leave her.
"Your safety is always my number one priority."
"Even against Henry Thatcher?"
"Even against Henry Thatcher," he lowly chuckled.
Steve cleared his throat. This was cute and all but they still needed to get after Jason. He needed to be taught a lesson.
"Too bad Hopper isn't around," Scarlet whispered.
"He's my cousin actually," she nervously chuckled.
Steve shook his head and went to his room. He returned with a bat in his hand. It had nails hammered into it and Scarlet was already scared.
"Okay, Steve, we're not going to be wanted for murder," Scarlet explained nervously.
"I'm not going to use it on him. I'm just gonna scare him a little. Maybe call a few people to rough him up a bit."
Eddie smiled mischievously. Scarlet was coming either way because they needed to make a point that she wasn't going to be messed with by Jason again.

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