Chapter 2

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Chapter 2- Minho's Life- Tuesday, October 6

Minho's POV

"BING BING BING BING" loudly blares through my ears as I slowly stir awake. I reach my hand out to feel around on my night stand to turn my loud alarm off. My eyes have a hard time keeping open because of the small crack in my blinds that is directing the light to my eyes. 

After my eyes adjust I check the time and its 6:01 am. I faintly hear the news going on in the living room, proving my dad is already awake. "Today's weather is looking clear skies with a high of 95 and a low of 70." Hearing the News reporter say  makes me choose black cargo sweat pants, a t-shirt, and a light jacket for my outfit of the day. 

I take a quick selfie and post it on my Instagram because I have a larger fan base from my popularity with the girls and some boys from my school. 


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LeeKnowWeKnow98: Are you a Keyboard? Well your just my type :).

chanaussierbro97: Is this your attempt at flirting.... Try again...

MinhoIsHot: DATE MEEEEE!!!!

Wooyoungddy00: You can call me if you want!

LeeKnowWeKnow98: Don't make me tell san about this!


3rd POV

Minho makes his way down the stairs with his bag and starts to slip his shoes on. His mom makes his way in from washing the dishes and greets her son. "Hey hun, have a good day at school." she says while giving her son a small smile. Minho looks at his mom and gives her a smile as well, "I will, you too." 

His dad then walks in with a beer bottle in his left hand and looks directly at Minho with his cold beety eyes. "where do you think your going you haven't ate yet." Just hearing his dad speak is enough to set something off in Minho that worsens his mood. "I am not hungry." he said coldly.

 He then stands up after finishing tying his shoes. "Your going to eat,  A healthy meal is the key to staying fit and I will not be raising a Fat or scrawny kid. I mean look at you, trust me this Meal will be beneficial to you." Minho looked at his dad with a disgusted expression then turns cold again. "I said I am not hungry." He then goes to walk out the door and his dad yanks him by his hood throwing him into a near by decorative table. His dad then throws his beer bottle to the ground shattering right by Minho's leg. Minho doesn't even flinch anymore. 

"Did I stutter or something!?!?" his dad said aggressively, "You will go and eat right now or you will regret it." His dad said while pointing to the dinning room. Minho's mother just walked out of the room and went back to washing the dishes, like always. Minho didn't have the motivation to fight back today so he walked to the table while eating a healthy burrito while his dad glared at him. 


Soon after Minho finished eating, his dad left for work, while his friends arrived to pick him up for school. 

In the drivers seat was Chan. He is known as the leader of the group. He may look like on of the scariest out of them all, and don't get me wrong he can be when someone hurts his friends but he is really soft when you get to know him. He has a huge crush on a boy named Jeongin in school but Jeongin runs away anytime the group is near, scared they'll hurt him. Chan is also Minho's best friend and the only one knows about his home life, and the only one Minho fully trusts. 

Behind him sits Changbin. He is short but feisty. He is usually the one to start fights along with Wooyoung. Besides that he also has a soft side, but only for one person. He has been secretly messaging a guy but he hasn't told anyone who he is yet. Every time he gets a moment by himself you see him on his fun, texting away. 

Next to Changbin is Wooyoung. Wooyoung only recently moved and is not as interested in the group as the rest but stills tags along. Not much is known about him accept he moved from downtown Seoul to northern Seoul. He is dating San, which is quite contridictaory to his homophobic attitude. He always makes comments and uses slurs. 

Minho sat in the passenger seat while pluging in his phone into the Aux. He recently found this artist on sound cloud named and really enjoyed his music. While everyone was enjoying the amazing vocals of Chan in particularly showed interest towards him. 

"Hey this guy is really great, i wish i could sing with him!" Chan said while turning up the radio slightly. "maybe you should look into him and you can" Chan nodded his head while catching onto the lyrics and singing along. 


They pull up to the student parking lot and park into there spot no one else dared to take. 

Everyone walked in and Minho needed to use the bathroom so he turned from the group and walked into the bathroom quickly, hoping no girls would spot him yet. He quickly got his business done but right before exiting the bathroom he looked down and saw some blood on his white shoes. 

The blood looked fresh. He looked towards the entrance, seeing a trail of blood coming into the bathroom. He lifted up his pants and some shatters of glass were spread unevenly along his leg with trails of blood. He tried to recall something happening, then remembered his what his dad had done earlier. 

He brought out a pair of tweezers he had from his bag and tried taking them out and bandaging his legs.

While doing this the door suddenly opened and a squirrel like figure had appeared in the door. Minho realized it was Han Jisung. 


Heyyy guyyyssss <333

2nd chapterrr... Whats your thoughts?!?!?

GET TO KNOW YOUR AUTHOR FUN FACT OF THE DAY: (feel free to add question in the comments)

I love having deep conversations with people about random things. 

See you soon stay,


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