Chapter 15

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Chapter 15- sleepovers- Friday, October 17

3rd POV

It had been a week since Minho and Jisungs sunset sentiments, and they were becoming much closer. Besides the time they are required to spend together, they have been going to the Café, watching movies, and taking walks.

They both have grown while being out of school, but in school things are Different. A lot of the time Minho doesn't acknowledge Jisung and when he does  he acts as if he hardly knows him. His friends and him still sit at lunch with them now, but Minhos has been skipping Lunch lately. 

Jisung doesn't bother about it though because he believes Minho needs his space from jisung, even if jisung would be okay spending every second with him, Minho may not be okay with spending every second with him. 

After school today, in the school parking lot, Jisung walks up to Minho backhugging him. He is immediately pulled away by minho and is confused until he relizes Minho is talking to a guy, Wooyoung. This hurt jisung fragil little heart. 

After Minho and him got closer, Minho made him believe that he was cutting all ties with Wooyoung. Minho didn't seem particularly happy to be talking with wooyoung, but he promised he wouldn't anymore. 

"U-uh oh jisung what are you doing here?" Minho scolded himself for studdering. "We have finishing touches for theater to get done tonight, did you not get the text?" jisung said.

"Oh yah lets go then." They left without saying anything to Wooyoung. 

Once they got to the theater jisung stopped Minho From dragging him. 

"Hey you gonna tell me why you were talking to Wooyoung." Jisung asked crossing his arms and trying to coldly stair at Minho. 

"Hey it's not what you think. Its nothing, I promise, now come on lets get going." Minho started to walk away and pulling jisung along with him but jisung was resistant. 

"If its 'Nothing' then why can't you just tell me." Jisung said starting to get more mad. 

"Come on jisung do you not trust me?" Minho said sounding hurt. 

Jisung thought about it for a second, and he did trust the older. He not gonna let his stupid over thinking make him ruin his freindship  with Minho. 

"Fine lets go" Jisung hmphed. 


A little while had passed and jisung and Minho were very distarted putting the peices of the props into their final stucture, and attempting to not break in the process.

Them Jisung and Minho both got a text at the exact same time.

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Chanaussiebro97: Hello children

DakisMe: What is this Chan? 

LeeKnowWeKnow98: What did i say about continuing 
                                             to call us children. 

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