Chapter 6

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Chapter 6- Super Cafe- Friday, October 9

3rd Pov

 Minho was now waiting for Chan to come pick him up. He realized he couldn't go through the front door because his dad was down stairs and he didn't want to further his punishment. 

He decided the safest not so safest option would be to climb out the window. 

Chan: Here 

He opened his window, which faced the front of his house,  climbing through it. Luckily for Minho the window was big enough to fit his build. He hoped on the roof and looked down and then all of a sudden he couldn't move. 

Minho has had acrophobia for a long time. The first time he ever experienced this was when his dad forced him down a really tall slide, that was the start of his childhood trauma. 

Chan saw from the car that Minho was on the roof and immediately got up to go stand in front of the garage. 

"ay, mate you goud?" Chan said loudly which made Minho slip out of his trance. "uh I kind of.." Minho rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. "Come on mate spit it out now!"  Chan said getting slightly annoyed. 

"ihaveaphobiaofheights!" Minho said mumbling. "Huh....?"

"I hate heights.." 

"Darn gonit Minho then why you choose to come out the window. "Chan said shaking his head. "I wasn't thinking at the time and plus I kind of got grounded and have to sneak out." Minho sighed. "Dang you really got yourself in a pickle here." 

"Yah I see a latter over here." Chan brings the latter and sets it firmly against the roof. "Come down slowly now" Minho turns to step on the latter and it starts to wobble from his shaking so much. 

"Hold it still broh you shaking is gonna make you fall."  Chan saying the word fall sets something off in Minho and he starts to shake more.... and he falls. 

To his luck Chan catches his bridal style and gives Minho a big smirk. "Be carful princess." Minho jumps off Chan a glares at him. "You do not speak a word of this to anyone, understand" Minho says sternly. "Yah yah i got it." 


Minho and Chan pull up to the café and can see the the other 6 are already there. They get out of the car and walk into the cafe and walk over to the other boy. 

 They are sitting at a table of 8 Seungmin sitting at the end on the right and Hyunjin across from him.  Changbin siting next to Hyunjin and Felix cross from him. Then Jisung and Jeongin are siting the next two seats next to Felix. 

Chan takes the seat across from jeongin leaving Minho with only one option-- he takes a seat across form Jisung. 

"Meanhoeeee it took you long enough me and Minnie have been waiting here foreverrrrr for you to show up. We made a list of our demands." Hyunjin grins widely and Minho rolls his eyes and snatches the list from Hyunjin.

Jisung looked up and made eye contact with Minho, his eyes widen surprised by Minho suddenly siting in front of him. He looked back down at his phone. 

"Hello Welcome to Seoul's Super Café, are you ready to order." a waitress with pretty brown hair comes up and eyes Minho directly. " Uhm here just get everything on this list" Minho hands her the list. "Ofc course anything for you cutie." she says slightly touching Minho's shoulder. 

This made something turn in Jisung stomach. Minho just brushed it off because he is used to people constantly flirting with him. 

"Anything else for the rest of you?" she smiled while looking around the table. 

"Two hot chocolates for me and this one" Chan said while bopping Jeongin nose. Everyone looked at him in confusion.  Jeongin cheeks reddened though. 

"I'll get a black coffee" Changbin said in a rough voice.

"Me too" Felix chummed in. 

"Since when do you get black coffee?" Seungmin asked Felix.

Felix's cheeks flushed while looking at Seungmin "u-uh just recently" Seungmin just hummed in response, skeptical of what's going on. 

"Alight will that be all for today?" the waitress asked. Felix turned to Jisung "Oh um I forgot my wallet, nothing for me today." Jisung said looking back at Felix. "Are you sure I can always pay to get you something" Jisung shook his head, "No No I'm not hear to burden you." 

"Add two iced americanos and that will be all thanks."  Minho said surprising Jisung and Felix. 

"oh wow Minho that's so nice of you, do you happen to have a soft spot for jisungggg your never this nice." Hyunjin said while grinning. "Stfu, I simply was tired of those two going back and forth so i simply shut them up."

"U-uh thanks" Jisung said, Minho said nothing back.

"Yo Minho how much trouble you get in?" Changbin started up conversation. "Well I don't have detention, I have to do fucking community service." Minho said harshly.

"What kind of Community service?" Hyunjin chimed in. "Apparently there is some stupid play going on and I have to help the backstage crew with it."

"Wait really that's cool, Jisung does stage crew, does that mean you'll be working together!?!?" Felix said enthusiastic. "U-uh yah probably since I'm the stage manager" Jisung said nervously. 

"Great at least I won't get some boorish person i have to work with." Minho said leaning back in his chair looking at Jisung. " hhh yah I guess." Jisung said looking away from Minho's stare. 

Was he actually okay with working with me..??

"Eekkk Minsung is sailing." Felix said a little to loud. "Huh what's a minsung and why is it sailing?" Jeongin said innocently. Chan cooed at Jeongins adorableness. "Oh child so let me just exp-" Felix was stopped by Jisung pinching him. 

"I think that it's best if we changed subjects..." Jisung said. 

"Agreed" Minho said sharply looking down at his phone. 


"Alrighty guys here is your food and your individual checks." The waiter handed out all the food to the designated person and to Jisung surprise a cheesecake landed right in front of him next to his iced americano. 

"I think this was meant for someone else." he said looking at the waitress. "Nope it's in the right place, it was added by someone last minute." she said while giving a smile to him that he didn't like. "oh, by who?" 

"Oh by-" when trying to finish he sentence she was suddenly cut off by a coworker. "sorry My shift ends, but umm I was wondering if I could get your number?" she says while looking at Minho. 

Minho scoffs "Yah sure but ain't mean ill reply" Minho says amused "oh okay hehe" the girl smiles widely. 

The girl then smiled at jisung before walking away and all he could do is glare. 

"Hmm.. I guess we'll never know who got you that." Felix says while pointing to his cheese cake. "I guess not." 


Heyyy guyyyssss <333

6th chapterrr... Whats your thoughts?!?!?

GET TO KNOW YOUR AUTHOR FUN FACT OF THE DAY: (feel free to add question in the comments)

I am an Aries. 

I'm sorry it's been a couple of day's since I have updated! I promise to try my best to get updates out sooner!! 

See you soon stay,


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