Chapter 19

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Chapter 18- sad day, bad days - Monday, October 20

3rd POV 

Wooyoung started to beat Jisung, making it his goal to have hit everywhere at least once. He started with his stomach leaving bright red marks, soon to turn into bruises. Wooyoung beloved Jisung deserved it from taking away the only people he had been close with.

Jisung eyes were brimmed with tears. It would go in the book on one of the worst pains he ever felt. He didn't yell for help, or try to stop him though. He just let it happen.

Soon wooyoung had made his way from Jisung lower body to his face. He stopped for a second admiring his work. He leaned down and lifted Hans face by his chin.

"Take this as your warning to never steal my friends away from me again." Wooyoung hissed

He gave two powerful punches to Jisungs face making his lip burst and nose bleed, and what  is sure to be a soon bruise. He spat on Jisung a stood up to walk away. 

"Yo Wooyoung!" Jisung heard someone yell close to were they were standing. He heard shuffling of the feet and then a body dropping. Hosing wanted to look but he was to weak to even try.

"Jisung are you okay?!?!?" Jisung heard finally recognizing the voice as... Chan.

Jisung tried to sit up but his stomach hurt to bad. 

"Chan w-what are you doing here?" Jisung asked with shaky breath.

"Jisung omg god." Chan came to Jisung side. "What happened, why did he fight you?!?"

"He is mad that y-you guys became friends wif m-m-me.." Jisung began to sob.

Chan sat next to Jisung lifting him up to lay on him.

"C-chan it hurts, it hurts so bad." 

"Jisung we need to call 911 you are really hurt!" 

"N-no chan please dont't do that.. I-I can't tell my parents about this and I don"t want to make matters worst with the police. P-please don't call them!" Jisung started shaking then

"What are you going to do then?"

"I- um" Jisung wasn't sure what to do. He didn't think about these things when he was willingly letting Wooyoung beat him up. 

"Well I'm going to take Wooyoung to the bathroom, then we are going to my house because u need rest and to heal."

"T-thank you chan" Jisung sibs started to quiet.


Jisung was now sitting on the bathtub in his bathroom crying out in pain as Chan tried to bandage up some cuts on his legs.

"Gentle Chan, Please be Gentle!!" Jisung said being louder than needed to be. 

"Jisung no matter how gentle I am, you never seem to stop yelling" Chan said annoyed. 

"That's because you are never gentle!" jisung yelled louder.

"Do you want me to help you or not!?!" Chan said pulling away the tissue he was using to pick up some blood. 

"Hmmph fine i'll stop." Jisung said. 

Chan continued  to clean his wounds while jisung was holding in his yells. 

"So are you gonna tell me what that was about at lunch, and what happened after?"Chan asked

Jisung put his head down ashamed of what happened. He started to cry again, so Chan sat on the bathtub next to him hugging his side softly, not trying to hurt him to much. 

"Jisung, he is just trying to push you away trust me I know." 

"W-why why does he want me gone so bad." Jisungs breathing 

"Jisung I am not allowed to tell you stuff that isn't my buissness to tell you. Just know their is more to Minho then you know. Just don't be to mad. Don't let him effect you."

"I- I don't understand chan" jisung whispered. 

"I think you will one day." 


3 loud knocks were heard, then the door bell being rung several times. 

"that must be the rest of them."



19th chapterrr.................. share overall opinions here

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I made some really nice stay friends. 

Guy's  apologize for posting so late. I feel like I write about how I am busy every other chapter. It's just a bit hard to write lately. 

We hit 6.5k read's. Guy's thank you so freaking much. Waking up every day with a bunch of comment's to read makes my day's a little bit early. Hopefully i will be able to write once a week at least. Thank you for the support.  

Bye bye w/ a side of jiddies x2 (for the one who wanted more jitties and less changitties),


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