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Chapter 24-Chaglix- Saturday, October 22

3rd POV

Its Time, it's time for me to stay strong. I am finally going to ask Felix on a date! Me and felix have been texing for over a year, even when him and Jisung were still together. We just got along really well! It wasn't like we were flirting at all.... at first. 

We both were just bored, and one day I randomly sent him a meme and we started talking. We knew who eachother were in real life, but we were both living opposite lives that we had a non verbal mutal agreement to not talk in real life. 

When him and Jisung broke up he really depended on me. I think I helped him out a lot. SO thats when we started flirting and making constant jokes about us being together. Again, we never did anything about it because of the different lives that we lived. Though, now are freinds all talk. But I still have very limited talked to him in person. 

I like him... A lot more than I should for us just being friends. So today is the day i am going to make it happen. 

Over Text. 


                  BBY BOY

Changbin💪: Hey cutie lixie!

Felix: Hey binnie! Don't call me cuteee it makes me shy 
you know that!!

Changbin💪: Maybe that's the point!! 

Felix: Your such a FLirty!! 

Changbin💪: I know bby <3
 their is something i want
  to talk to you about..

Felix!: What is it

Changbin💪: Well... I wanted to know 
If you would go on a date with me 
Read: 12:04pm 
Felix are you their!?!? 
Read 12:14 pm 
I Swear to god i will show up at your house 
Read 12:25

Felix: Oh heyy!! sorry i had to give my Elephant a bath!

Changbin💪: BBYY you don't own an elephant 
Pwease just answer my question,

Felix: ;lksadflkjasd;lfkj


Changbin decided to show up at felixs house only thirty minutes later. He made a quick stop at the supermarket to pick up a few things, inclusing some flowers. Changbin had baggy light blue jeans with a tight black button up. 

He knocked on the door. Felixs mom answered the door. 

Changbin got nervous because he showed up unannounced to felixs house with flowers and wasn't completely sure if his mom was supportive. 

"Ahh Changbin, nice to see you, how's you mother doing?" Felixs mom asked with a smile. 

"Oh yah uh she is pretty good. Just got a new position as a editor." Changbin said  in a nervous tone. 

"Thats amazing!" Mrs. Lee said. "Sooo, You here for Felix?" She wiggled her eye brow curiously. 

"Uh" Changbin said getting nervous. 

Felix walked by that exact time and made eye contact with changbin. He suddenly started getting red. 

"Changbinnie-a what are you doing here?" Felix reluctantly asked. 

Changbin still stood their not sure what to say. He didn't want to out him to his mom or anything. 

His mom was feeling a bit awkward as she was just watching the two boys made eye contact. 

"Well felix i feel like you should change out of those pajamas and bunny slippers, your mans waiting for you." She said walking out of the room. 

Felix went beat red. 

"Uhh yah let me do that." 



24th chapterrr.................. share overall opinions here

GET TO KNOW YOUR AUTHOR FUN FACT OF THE DAY: (feel free to add question in the comments)


GUYS..... im sorry. I have been gone for so long. Don't kill me. Here is a short chapter to hopefully fill your guys lil curious minds. 

What are you feeling about the changlix development? 

Am I the only one imagining Felix's mom as a milf!?!?

Bye bye w/ a side jiddies,


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