Chapter 3

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Chapter 3- Minho's Injuries- Tuesday, October 6

3rd POV

Minho didn't hate Han Jisung but he found it amusing when he would poke fun at him. Han Jisung is one of the only openly gay men at their school so he was an easy target for Minho to make fun of.

Minho didn't like to consider himself a bully but he knew others saw him that way. He never hurt anyone physically, he could of, but he didn't. He could make anyone cry with his words though. He found it somewhat stress relieving from his home life to say witty comebacks and be in arguments. Many told him he should join the debate Instead of Terrorizing others. He just thought it was too late to turn back now. 

Han looked at him, eyes widening, while he was struggling to pull the glass out of his leg.  After a few seconds Minho looked back up to see him staring still. "What are you looking at, Fag." Jisung then snapped out of his trance and scurried to the nearest stall, not taking offense to something he is called often.

Han would usually run away but he told himself he would learn to stand up for himself. Step one was not being scared. He didn't want to run into Minho or the others this early in the day though. He just had to drink that large Americano. 

Han hurried to finish and went to wash his hands while avoiding eye contact with Minho. While washing his hands he glanced at Minho on the ground struggling to pull one large piece of glass out of his leg.

Han didn't know what happened to Minho but he instantly felt bad for him. But He somewhat had the urge to help him, instead of letting him suffer. After washing his hands he walked over to Minho and bent down and observed his leg. Still trying to avoid eye contact as was still afraid of him.

Minho was quite surprised to see the boy so close to him. He was usually too scared to speak to him, let alone be this close to him. He just looked at the boy while Jisung looked at his leg. 

"Give me your tweezers," Jisung said in a kind voice that did something weird to Minho's heart. "what, why?!?" Minho said harsher than meant to come out. "I-i just W-want to help p-plus if you let m-me do it w-won't b-be as difficult a-as if you were t-to do it y-yourself," Jisung said shakily while looking down at the floor where some blood dripped. He started to regret asking, scared Minho would be upset. 

Minho thought about it for a second, and as much as he didn't want someone like Jisung, or anyone as a matter of fact to help him he didn't want to be late to the first hour by not being able to pull some stupid glass out of his leg.

Minho pushed the tweezers into Jisung's hands, "Hurry it up!" Jisung just nodded slowly while crisscrossing his legs and bringing Minho's leg on top of his legs.

He slowly but surely pulled out the little pieces purposely avoiding any big ones. While doing this he felt awkward tension and thought it would be better to start up some conversation. In particular why he had glass all over his leg. 

"What happened?" Minho flinched at the sudden noise because he was too busy paying attention to how soft Jisung's hands were on his legs. How he is being so kind and gentle with him, even if he knew he didn't deserve it. It had been a while since anyone was kind enough to do something for him like this.

"W-what?" Minho cursed at himself for stuttering. "what happened?" Jisung repeated himself. "Nothing." is all Minho said and Jisung thought it best to not question him since he was known for often verbally abusing people. 

Jisung finally got all the tinier pieces out, now all that was left was the larger piece of glass that was pretty deep. Jisung only slightly touched it but Minho yelped in pain. "You idiot, what the hell!" Minho yelled out in pain. Jisung was scared by the yelling and flinched.

Minho realized what he did and felt slightly bad for yelling at the boy since he was just trying to help him. "..sorry" Minho whispered just enough so Jisung could hear.

Jisung was fazed by those words. Minho, The Lee Minho JYP High Schools' most intimidating dude just said sorry to him. Maybe there is a good side to him after all.

By instinct, Jisung grabbed Minho's hand and told him if he felt paint just to squeeze. Jisung was a very caring person so he again doesn't think about who he was messing with. Minho was slightly weirded out, though that same feeling he had earlier came back to his heart.

Minho quickly threw his hand off Jisung, "I'm fine." is all he said as he tightly closed his eyes. 

Jisung didn't take Minho's actions to the offense, as he must have felt uncomfortable. He recontinues. He knew it was dangerous but to cause him to least amount of pain he took the tweezers and quickly pulled the piece out. That caused Minho to jump in pain and land in Jisung's lap. He grabbed Jisung's shoulders and was giving him a weird hug. 

Jisung could feel his heart start to speed up. He didn't know what to do in this situation.

Jisung looked down and saw blood starting to flow out of his wound and quickly grabbed the first aid kid he kept in his bag for reasons like this while trying to not move Minho much, as he was in a lot of pain.  Jisung scurried to clean his wounds while Minho was getting over the pain. 

Minho realized what he had done, feeling embarrassed, and scooted out of Jisung Lap.  "Um thanks" Minho mumbled and Han only slightly nodded in return. Minho looked at Han's hair and couldn't help but start to reach out and ruffle his orangish pink hair. Jisung looked at him flustered. Minho didn't notice though because he was suddenly sucked into his thoughts. 

Then it dawned upon him I just hugged Jisung and I have weird feelings in my stomach because of it. 

Why did he have this twisting feeling in his stomach? He couldn't understand why, he didn't think he was gay, no he knew he wasn't, he couldn't be. It must just have been because someone was finally showing care for him.

He started overthinking it, suddenly pushed Jisung away, grabbed his bag, and ran back to where his friends were. 


Heyyy guyyyssss <333

3rd chapterrr... Whats your thoughts?!?!?

GET TO KNOW YOUR AUTHOR FUN FACT OF THE DAY: (feel free to add a question in the comments)

I am an extreme Introvert with the dreams of an extrovert. 

See you soon stay,


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