Chapter 9

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Chapter 9- Interlocking Hands - Saturday, October 10

3rd POV

Minho and jisung walked the rest of the time in silence. They both were confused on what exactly happened, whether it was a spurge of the moment, or if it was something........more than that.

They quickly finished up with the last bit of painting, with 45 minutes left to spare before Chan would be back to pick them 

"Want to go to the café now with our extra time?" Minho asked. 

"Umh w-why would we g-go to a c-café?" Jisung asked still slightly flustered from what happened what feels like just moments ago. "I owe you a cheesecake remember?"

Jisung eyes brightened. "Yay lets go!!" jisung grabbed Minho by the arm, kind of linking their arms. He dragged him all the way outside until the end of the side walk where they were now waiting to cross. 

Jisung let go of Minho's arm as he pulled up Maps on his phone to confirmed they were going the right way. The sudden lost in warmth made Minho slightly sad. 

While Jisung led them to the café, walking slightly more ahead, Minho could not stop thinking about what the boy was doing to him. All he wanted to do was hold his and give him cuddles and kisses an-- 

Minho stopped mid thought because he was tired of overthinking the whole situation. Minho speed walk up to catch up to jisung and linked there arms again. This time he held his hand, interlocking their fingers.  

Jisung was surprised by his sudden action, but just let it happen. They walked like this all the way to the café. 


They arrived at the Café that they went to with the group yesterday.  Right before they walk in Minho stops in front of the door, taking out his phone. He starts taking selfies of himself while jisung just stares confused. 

"Do you usually just start randomly taking photos of yourself?" 

"Yes actually I do, gotta to give my fans their daily dose of  Minho." 

"Here then let me take it." Jisung said while snatching his phone 

Jisung put the phone up and Minho just stood there. 

Rights when jisung was about to snap the photo a leaf flew on the ground distracting Minho. Jisung found the scene absolutely stunning and took the photo, 

"Okay I'm posting it" 


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LeeKnowWeKnow98: Cafe vibes Photo Cr: Hanniewashere

chanaussierbro97: Were you planning on telling me you were leaving?? ↪LeeKnowWeKnow98: It was Jisungs fault. 

HannieWasHere00: Yes give me the credit i deserve!
LeeKnowWeKnow98: you litterly posted it yourself 

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