Chapter 22

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Chapter 22-Perfectly Content - Monday, October 20

3rd POV

After Minho and Jisung had showed their love and passion with a series of Kisses and flirtatious joke, they both grew tired. They said good night to Chan and walked towards the Guest Bedrooms, Hand in hand. 

They stopped in front of the doors and admired the sight in front of them. They both couldn't believe how they got here. They do know they wouldn't change it for the world. Minho grew closer to jisung, putting his hand behind Jisungs neck pulling him closer to leave a passionate kiss. They both enjoyed it but soon pulled away for a breath.

"Goodnight Min." Jisung said planting a kiss on the tip of Minho's nose. 

Minho just pouted and looked down at their connected hands. 

"babyyyy please don't leave meee." Minho wined with a puppy lip. This is a sight Jisung thought that he would never see. 

"You mean you want to sleep in the same bed." Jisung looked towards the open door at the bed, "with me." Jisung seemed legit scared. 

"Why do you not want to?" Minho asked slightly disappointed. 

Jisung soon caught on to Minho's lowered mood and brought him in the room. "Of course I want to share with you, as long a you promise to cuddle me." Jisung said putting out his pinky finger. 

Minho smiled brightly and brought his out to connect with Jisungs, "of course baby." 

A bright shade of pink spread along Jisungs cheeks at the nicknames. 

"Oh you like that don't you Babyy~~" Minho said trying to tease Jisung. 

"W-what no I don't." jisung said hiding his face in his hoodie.

"yes you do." Minho reached out a poked Jisungs cheeks. "Your my little bottom." jisung squinted his eye and glared at Minho. 

One thing he hated to be told was that he was a bottom, even if he undeniably was. 

Jisung shook off the embarrassment and smirked wildly. He pulled Minho on the bed pinning his hands above his head. He stared leaving kisses on his face, trailing down his Jaw. He lead down his neck where he started to bite and leave marks. He kissed each one before moving on to the other. Minho let out a few moans and grabbed Jisungs waist. Jisung pulled away and looked at Minho who looked like a wreck. 

"You want to say that again." Jisung said smirking. 

Minho didn't want to let Jisung Win this. 

"Oh you know baby how easily this could turn around." Minho said grabbing on to his waist tighter. 

Jisung was a blushing mess again, not just from his words but what he did finally processed through his brain. 

He hid his head in Minho's neck shaking his head. Minho let out a chuckle. 

"See how easily you turned soft." Minho said turning them to the side so they were both laying on there sides facing each other. 

"Says the one with Hickeys on his Neck." Jisung said 

"Oh you want one too?" Minho said making kissing noises. 

Jisung hid in Minho's neck again. 

"My point proven." 


They both had laid their chatting for a while longer before Jisung thought about something that they should probably discuss. 



"Are we gonna tell are friends about us. Or the school? I mean your pretty popular and I know you dating a nerd and all could your reputation. I don't want to hold you down or anything.." Jisung said getting a little sad. 

"Ji are you crazy? I don't give a fuck what anyone else has to say about our relationship, I will prodly walk in that school holding your hand and yelling 'Han Jisung Is My Boyfriend' on the top of my lungs heck ill even double hammer pammer hanky spanky your ass right in front of them" Minho said trying to get his point across. 

"MINHO!" Jisung whisper yelled while hitting Minho's chest. 

"What?!?! You doubt yourself, and it's now my job to let you know how perfect you are." Minho said booping Jisungs Nose. Jisung let out a little giggle and snuggled closer. 

"I like it when your Soft. Its a side you never show anyone, it makes me feel special." 

"Good because no one going to ever see this side of me." Minho said sternly. 

"We will see." Jisung said before moving to get under the covers, Minho doing the same. They moved closer to each other. Minho grabbed Jisungs waist while Jisung had his arms close to his and Minho's chest. 

"good night Min I love you" 

"I love you more." 

"Wait before we sleep who gave you all these bruises" 

"Umh Wooyoung.." 

"Someone's gonna die tomorrow"



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HannieWasHere00: Isn't my boyfriend the cutest thing ever? 

FoxyInnies: HAN JISU~ one minute you hate each other, the next your together
this relationship is giving ✨Bipolar✨
↪HannieWasHere00: .... Son please calm yourself. 
↪LeeKnowWeKnow98: We have a son?!?!
↪ HannieWasHere00: Oop- did i forget to mention that?
HannieWasHere00: Wasn't yours to take in the first place boo. 
FreckleKing: 'Imagine dating a bully' HMM?? WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT?!??!
HannieWasHere00: He is changing!! Plus I know you got a little secret. 
chanaussierbro97: oop-
FoxyInnies: channie my dad has a boyfriend. NOW I GOT TWO DADSS
chanaussierbro97: FoxyInnies .. that name shouldn't be for them..
FoxyInnies: What?!?!



22th chapterrr... share overall opinions here

GET TO KNOW YOUR AUTHOR FUN FACT OF THE DAY: (feel free to add question in the comments)

What is your dream Job? Neurosurgeon. 

GUYSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS heyy bbys. I am sorry for the inconsistent updating and weirdness of my writting. Like i have mentioned this is my first ff and i am trying my best. I am not sure how im going to end this so feel free to give me some ideas, or even preditions on what you think is going to happen. I hope you don't feel like this is getting boring. Do you guys just want like a bunch of fluff and dates for a few chapters. I do have some drama somewhat planned. AnywAYS, 

Sending love w/ a side of jiddies,


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