Chapter 17- Part 2

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Chapter 17- Sleep Talking - Early Saturday, October 18

! Extremely short chapter because this is just the ending of chapter 17 !

3rd POV Part 2

"What do you mean?" Minho asked puzzled. 

"you know what it means" Jisung said into Minho's chest. 

"yah I know what it means.... but what do you mean by it?"

"I mean y-you been so Jerky lately. I mean you have kissy me, flirted with me, and gone to café with mean which i basically consider a date, but no you haven't done anything about it. Some days you seem Gay like me, I mean you told me you are but I don't know if you were just telling me it just because you wanted me to feel a certain way. Plus, your so so mean to me min min, why are you so mean to me?" Jisungs eyes started to swell with tears. 

Minho was taken back by Jisungs words. "Me-ean?"

Jisung turned away from Minho, and laid against the pillow wiping some of his tears off of his face. 

"Min min you know,,,,, you know how your mean! How your never talk to me at school, not even at lunch, why.... why you always playing with my feelings. You also have girls basically follow you around school..... your ashamed of me! I JUST KNOW IT" 

Jisungs tears flowed harder, but Minho just sat their struck. 

Eventually jisung cried himself to sleep, Minho never once correcting him. 

Their was so many things flowing through Minho's head. How much he wanted to pull jisung closer and tell him non of the things he was saying were true, because they weren't. 

Minho wanted to make him his, he wanted to not just kiss him on occasion but ever time he see's him. He wants to give him everything for the rest of his life. 

But when your in bad circumstances, that can hurt other people, that can hurt the person you....... love. 

Minho would never risk his dad finding out about him and Jisung. 

the thought of what his dad would do to jisung, just makes his sad. 

You have to do hard things when you love,,,,,, 

even if it means letting them go. 

So Minho got up and walked next to jisung. 

"I love you so much." he kissed his forehead, and admired his features one last time, rubbing his thumb over his cheek. He got up, one tear falling from his eye as he walked away..... forever. 



Hey ji, 
I asked Mr. JYP to transfer me to 
Woodshop for my Community service. 
We don't need to involve each other in 
each others life anymore. 
delivered 1:32 a.m




17th chapterrr... Part 2............... share overall opinions here

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I love skz.

Im sorry im not sorry 🤷

I love you guysss, I can't believe im about to hit 4k reads. To everyone who has been here from the beginning, i know who you are, i read all your comments, and every time i see you vote a chapter my heart gets a lil more happier. Thank you all so much <3. 

Bye bye w/ a side of changiddies,


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