U.A. And A Fun Day

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Hitoshi stands beside Miyo, as they gaze up at the entrance to UA. Its still huge, nearly reaching the height of a three story building. Then the main building is in the shape of a "H", it stands at an intimidating seven stories high. They nod to each other and enter the building.

Every door they pass is the same height as the ceiling, each one is labelled, other students walk the halls all around them. After wandering around the building, trying to memorise the layout, Miyo and Hitoshi end up standing in front of a door with 1-A on it. He can hear shouting from the opposite side, two voices both male.

Hitoshi opens the door, the explosion boy and the stiff boy from the entrance exam are the one's yelling. The blonde yells about "extras" and something about "crushing us", then the guy with glasses is screeching over "upper classmen" or something similar...

Miyo ignores them and heads to a seat, the second back seat along the window row is free so he places himself there. Hitoshi ends up sitting two rows over from him but in the same line. Miyo really doesn't feel like socialising at the moment so he turns into his mist form, no one notices as far as he can tell so he just spreads out around the room. In his exploring, Miyo finds Aizawa, in a sleeping bag, behind the teachers desk at the top of the room.

Ao is floating to the right side of a white and red haired boy in the back line. Miyo reforms and calls the ghost back before he can cause any trouble. The bell rings but everyone in the room stays standing and talking. After five minutes shuffling comes from behind the teachers desk, followed by a zipper and a quieted groan. Aizawa clearly has had enough of everyone's blabbering. He emerges from his hiding spot, no one but Miyo notices him, the man nods at him in approval.

His hair lifts off his shoulders and his eyes glow a menacing red, Ao disappears, and Miyo feels his body shifting between his solid and mist forms, all talking in the room stops abruptly. No one moves, it doesn't seem like anyone other than Aizawa and Miyo are breathing.

"It took all but one of you to notice me in five minutes, in a real life situation just that person would survive if there was a danger. I'm Aizawa, put these on-" He pulls gym uniforms out from behind the teachers desk, "- and meet me outside."

Aizawa turns and leaves the room, Miyo quickly grabs a uniform, then heads to the changing rooms Hitoshi and he had passed in their wandering earlier, Hitoshi isn't far behind him but by the time both of them are dressed everyone else in the class are still chatting and only beginning to taking off their clothes. Hitoshi and Miyo leave as soon as they're ready, Miyo sends Ao out to find Aizawa, he finds him quick enough and they both get there within five minutes. Aizawa's eyes lock onto the two of them as they approach, he nods his head in approval.

"Shinsou, Takei, good time."

The three of them stand together for a whole ten minutes before the sounds of Miyo's new classmates blabbering voices comes from the building behind them. Aizawa is visibly unimpressed with their tardiness and volume, he activates his quirk. Everyone goes quiet and Aizawa quickly deactivates his quirk,

"It took all of you fifteen minutes to get here, if you were rushing to save a civilian, they would have been injured or have already died by now. Now we're doing a test-"

A girl with bobbed hair puts her hand up and cuts Aizawa off,
"What about orientation? Or the speech principal Nezu is saying to the whole of first year?"

Aizawa slips eyes drops into his eyes and blinks a few times before replying,
"In U.A. all teachers use independent ways in their classes, that includes the classes location. Now let's move on shall we?"

Aizawa huffs and pulls a black device and a white ball out of his scarf, he throws the ball to Miyo, who fumbles while trying to catch it. Hitoshi chuckles at him from behind his hand and Miyo glares at him.

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