Forget Last Night

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( Kiara's POV)

I wake up with a booming headache.

But I didn't drink? Maybe it's because what unique thing happened last night.

Nope nope!

Kiara forget last night!

It'll never happen again because I'll never see him again. That was a one time thing.

Submitting to a man?! ABSOLUTELY NOT!!

I go in the bathroom wash my face brush my teeth. I needed to get read for work.

Me and Asia own a bakery and we're suppose to open it at 9 am and it's 7:45 right now.

After I take my shower I put on my work cloths and hurry out my room.

I go to Asia's room and knock on it loudly.

" Get up!" I yell in a hurry.

We needed to hurry. We had to get everything ready and prepare the cookies,cupcakes,cakes, lollipops etc before opening at 9.

You see our business is very well known, so we get a lot of customers.

I hurry down the stairs and as soon as I hit the bottom step I hear Asia come out her room.

" Let's go!" I yell from from down stairs.

She has her uniform on so she just grabs her purse and phone.

She rushes down stairs and we get in my car this time.

I zoom off to work.


I open the bakery's door with its key and we enter.

It was now 8:05 am

Great. We had an hour to get the shop ready.

Me and Asia start to prepare the sweets.

Asia puts the donuts on the rack, cookies on the display, so people can see and buy them, and sweeps the floor.

I on the other hand, get the pick up orders ready, organize the little boxes for the cupcakes, and wipe the counters.

Our employees started to walk in one by one. There should be 5 working to 9am-2pm.

It was now 8:25 and we still only have 4 employees in.

" Where the hell is Alana?!" I yell out to the employees. She should be here by now.

I told everyone be here before 8:30, therefore they can help us set up before opening.

Everyone shrugs and goes back to working.

" Asia can you please call Alana and asks where she  is. This is the second time now" I say rubbing my temple.

As I stated before this isn't the first time she hasn't been on time.

I go to the back and frost the cakes they needed to be frosted. I put them in the fridge and let them sit.

I hear the door's bell ring and I come from the back and look at the door.

Finally. Alana had finally showed up. I was having second thoughts about her for minute.

𝘋𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘋𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘯𝘵Where stories live. Discover now