Fuck The Past

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(Kiara's POV)

I wake up with the sun shining in my face.

" Ugh" I sit up and notice that I'm tucked in. But I don't remember getting under the covers?

Wait! Who the hell tucked me in?!

I look around the room.

I suddenly remember that I'm in Lorenzo's house.

I pick up my phone and look at the time.

It's 8 am.

" OH SHIT!" I yell super loud.

I try to leap out the bed but trip and fall landing on my butt.

" Ouchhh" I rock back and forth trying to suppress the pain.

I look up to the door and see Lorenzo standing in the door.

" Are you having fun on the floor?" He laughs.

" Ugh! Shut up!"  I get up and my pants fall down.

I pull them back up and walk up to him.

" I need to get ready for work" I say looking up to him.

He was towering up to me, so even on my tippy toes I couldn't even reach his face.

" Why're you telling me that?" He says leaning down to my height.

" I need my work cloths and I don't have them" I continue.

" So?"

" Drive me to my house then to work"

" OR, you can take the bus to your house then to  work and I can just sit in bed until I, myself, have to go to work" he says looking me straight in the eye.

" Lorenzo why the fuck do you have to be such an assho-"

He cuts me off saying his own sentence.

" Relax, I was joking. I'll be in the car when you're ready"

I grab my phone and just head downstairs to his car.

Lorenzo had a big garage with three cars.

A red one and 2 black ones.

I search for what car he was in and he was in the red one. It was a Tesla.

I get in the passenger seat and buckle my seat belt.

He opens the garage and zooms off.

" You didn't even ask for my address"

" Did you forget you sent me it yesterday?"

" Oh"

Lorenzo drives off and I enter the bakery.

As soon as I get into the bakery I put on my apron and get to work.

I was late since it was a long drive to Lorenzo's to the house to the bakery.

As soon as I enter the kitchen Asia comes running to me.

" Why the hell did I just see Lorenzo dropping you off in a red TESLA?!" She yells.

" Girl keep it down" I tap on her trying to settle her down.

" Tell me" she simply says.

" The submissive I had tried to kill me cuz I ain't want him" I roll my eyes.

" Girl that's not something to simply look over. Did you call the police? And what does that have to do with Lorenzo?!"

" I called Lorenzo and then Lorenzo called the police. I clung to him so he took me to his place"

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