His Scent

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[ Unedited. Simply becuz I don't feel like it💀]

( Kiara's POV)

When we got in the car Lorenzo opened the door for me and put my seatbelt on.

When he leaned over to put my seatbelt on, I caught a swift of his scent.

It smelled so good.

His cologne was magnificent.

When he got from over me the smell went away,

What a disappointment.

He goes over to the drivers seat and gets in.

" tu bien?" He asks with a thumbs up.

It means ' you good?'

"Si" I reply and he nods and puts the car in drive.

" You're going straight home. I'll order take out for you but you need to rest" he says..

" Whyyy" I whine.

I'm usually not a whiner but I really wanted to eat with him.

I don't know why....

While driving he takes a quick glance at me and turns back.

" Did I not just state the reason why?" He says with his eyes on the road.

" Lorenzo don't get smart" I say.

This time he couldn't do anything because he was driving.

" You know what I mean. I don't need rest, I'm fine"

" Righttt" he drags the t.

" I am! Look at me!" I whine.

" I'm driving" is all he says.

" Ugh" I flop my back into the back seat and pout.

He takes a another quick glance and rolls his eyes.

" Oh my God don't pout. You're such a big baby" he says turning right.

" I said I would order you food" he continues.

That's true.

There's no reason I should be pouting if he's ordering me food.

But the thing is I wanted to eat out with him.

But I can't tell him that....

We get to a stop sign and he flop his back into the back seat and sighs.

The smell of his cologne comes flying in my face.

God. For some reason, I just didn't want to stop smelling it.

It smelt so fucking good.

He looks to me and grins.

" something you like?" He asks looking down to me.

" So, you're cologne" I say nodding.

There's no denying that I liked it.

It raises a brow.

" My cologne?" He repeats me.

He lifts up part of his jacket and puts it to his nose.

" Ah, now I remember putting on cologne" he says.

The light turns green and he pulls off.

" how are you able to smell it?" He asks.

" It's strong" is all I say still trying to smell it.

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