Touchy Time

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(Kiara's POV)

I wake up to the sound of the door opening.

My eyes try to focus on the person coming through it.

My eyes shoot open when I see that it's Hugo!

" Mmm, you and my hermano really got into it huh?" He says still walking into the room.

When I try to sit up, I couldn't move.

I look to see Lorenzo was embracing me with his big hands and body.

" He's holding you realll tight" Hugo continues.

I roll my eyes and open my mouth to speak.

" What time is it?" I ask him.

" 1:18 pm "he answers.

1:18?! So I've been sleeping here for like 5 hours?!

I shake Lorenzo and he still doesn't wake up.

" He's a heavy sleeper" Hugo chuckles.

" I see that" I roll my eyes a little.

I made sure to cover myself with the blanket and I turn back to Hugo.

" Why are you even in here?" I ask kind of confused.

He smiles and opens the door wider. " I made something delicious to eat" he says.

I nod my head and when I make the slightest movement a sharp pain hits my back.

I groan out really loud and Hugo whistles. " Look like he hit it real hard" he chuckles.

" Ok, you can go now. I'll wake him up" I say trying to get him away and I was successful.

" Wake up!" I yell hitting him. He groans and turns to the side pulling me with him.

I take a deep breath in getting a bit annoyed.

I grab by his arm and pinch his skin between my nails.

" Agh!" He screams. That woke him up.

" what'd you do that for?!" He says rubbing the place I pinched.

" You should've woke up" I say shrugging.

" Your brother made something to eat" I continue.

" He said that?" He says ruffling his hair.

" He came in here because he said we were loud" I say covering my face.

" More like, you were loud" he chuckled and I hit him in the shoulder.

He holds the spot I hit him in and laughs harder.

I side eye him then I see him.

Hold up! Am I seeing this right?!

I grab him by his shoulder and turn him showing his back to me.

" You gotta tattoo on your back similar to mine" I say smiling basically in shock.

This was his:

This was his:

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