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( Kiara's POV)

It's 4 am but but neither of us go back to sleep.


I don't know....

Lorenzo is downstairs getting me something to eat even though it's 4 am.


Because I passed out from extreme pleasure and didn't have any food.

I take out my phone and scroll through instagram.

I wonder what Jade and Jay are doing.


Because truth be told I did miss what we had back then...

If only they wouldn't have fell for each other....

If only I hadn't date Jay. What would happen? Would I be feeling this sad?

My eyes trail to the top of my screen where people's stories are and I see Jade's.

Jade's? I click on it because I was curious.

What could she possibly post after almost fighting with me?

After I click on the first thing I see is Jay and Jade together....smiling....

I click pass it and see another post....

My bakery.

Why the hell is my bakery on her story.

Just then I look at the caption and it says

' 3/10 wouldn't recommend. Customer service is terrible'

That- that-


I hop out of bed and immediately fall landing on my knees!

Damn Lorenzo for fucking me so hard!

Just then I see him at the door with some food.

"I get that you wanna be in your knees for me, but we just got done doing a session" he chuckled setting the food down.

" Shut the f-" I was interrupted by a hand going over my mouth.

"No, you shut the fuck up"

I look up at him and don't respond. Nor do I react.

I stare then I lick his hand. He stares down back at me but doesn't move his hand.

Instead he squeezes my face and I wince.

" AGH!" I shout.

He doesn't let go of his grip even when he hears me in pain.

After all.... He's a sadist.

"Did you really think I was gonna let you slide from seducing me?" I tilt my head

What's the problem?

He sighs and leans down a bit, having him hovering over me while I was still on my knees.

" You're not even in shape to go again" He says.

He takes his hand off my mouth and before I could say anything he quickly connect our lips..

He catches me by surprise so I didn't kiss back right away

He slithers his tongue in my mouth and I moan in our kiss.

Once he pulls away you could see our saliva trail from each other's mouths.

I loved his soft lips on mine

"Why're you on the floor" he says still not letting me get a word out.

"I just seen a terrible review we got on our bakery" i grin.

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