Happy Birthday

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(Short chapter)

(Isaiah's POV)

'Happy birthday Isaiah!" My mama and papa says plus the other people around them but I wasn't use to them yet.

I blow out the candles and smile brightly. I love my birthdays.  I turned 5 years old today.

My parent handed me my presents and I opened one by one.

I loved them all but some of the clothes? No thank you....

I smile awkwardly so it would still look like I was grateful for my presents.

"Here you go Isaiah" Amelia said handing me a card. I take it from her saying thank you.

Amelia is the girl from next door. She's also 5 and we have play dates time to time but I still think we do the too much.... Sometimes she gets annoying.


I open my color book and go straight to the back of the book.

I didn't wanna just color...I wanted to draw and color.

I turned on some ninja turtles as I drew them because I just loved drawing random things.

All of sudden I hear my door open so I turned my head towards it.

" Isaiah, mama is going to the bakery for a bit, I'll be back later.  Your dad is in room ok?" My mama says.

I nod my head and then I get up to give her a hug. "Have a nice day" I say hugging her tight.

She leans down to hug me and then kisses me on the forehead.

I was gonna miss her. I get like this when she or papa leaves the house.

I finally let her go and she leaves. Being one year older doesn't feel any different.

I grab my coloring book and head out the door and into my papa's room.

I open his door and he's on the computer with some music in the background playing.

For some reason I didn't understand the words.
"Hola chico" my papa says looking towards me.

I squint my eyes and walk in the room. " what does "cheiko" mean?" I ask him.

He arches his brow and looks at me. " oh you mean Chico" he says. He closes his computer and turns his whole body towards me.

"Chico is a Spanish word for boy, you're a boy" he explains. " Ohhh" the realization comes to me.

" what is Spanish?" I ask. " Spanish is my native language. Meaning my first language. Language is the words you speak. Like you're speaking English right now" he explains more.

I nod my head and point to the speaker. " is the words in this song Spanish?" I ask. " Si" he says.

" trust me I'll either teach you Spanish myself in your later years or get you in a class" he says opening back up his computer.

I stared blank for a second then I snap out of it and realized my reason for coming to his room.

"Look at my drawing papa" I say opening up to the back of the coloring book and turning it around.

He looks towards me and his eyes widen. " Oh shit— I mean oh wow you can really draw Isaiah" he says in an impressed tone.

"Shit?" I repeat and just like that papa got up with speed I've never seen before and slaps his hand over my mouth.

" shhh, Chico. Don't ever ever ever say that" he says and I just look at him then nod my head.

He takes his hand off and sighs in relief.

"Your mother would kill me if she thought I taught you that. Oh mi señor" my papa says.

" why?" I ask still looking at my picture. " Because it's a bad word that kids aren't supposed to say" he says flopping back on his bed.

" I should put you in drawing classes once you enter kindergarten" he says.

He voice sounded as if it was fading. I came around the bed to see his eyes.

" are you tired papa?" I ask him setting down my coloring book.

He gives me a small smile and nods his head without speaking.

"Let's just say I stayed up a bit" papa explains.

I look up thinking. " I did hear rocking sounds last night" I say and then look at him.

Papa immediately sits up and says " you heard nothing".

" you're imagining things" he continues and then flops back on his back.

"Right" I say laughing. He laughs along with me and then he falls asleep.

I climb on the bed and lay next to him then fall asleep myself.


The sound of the door made me blink out of my sleep but I still wasn't fully awake.

I see mama walking in and she ruffles my hair. " Happy birthday again Isaiah"


Author's Note: THANK YOU SO SO MUCH for voting and reading my book and I hope everyone enjoyed the name and gender reveal. Guys this is also my first book I finished but anyway I am proud to say that there WILL be a book 2 but Isaiah's story!!! Again TYSM!

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