Making Love

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(Lorenzo's POV)

" I like you, Kiara" I say smiling.

While she was still catching her breath she stared at me without blinking.

" You-" she could barely get her words out.

I could feel her skin start to burn and could honestly see her turning red.

" Like.... Like like?" She tries to confirm.

I chuckle a little. " Are you a child? Si, like like" I respond.

She looks down for a minute and I hear her mutter something.

" What did you say?" I lean down a little so I could hear her.

" I-" she says tryna get words out.

" You don't have to respond now" I reassure her.

" NO! I LIKE YOU TOO" she yells and I quickly cover her mouth.

I look to the door to see if anyone was coming and then back at her.

I laugh and she starts to too.

I uncover her mouth and she opens it.

" I just have a hard time expressing my feelings" she explains.

I smirk and stare into her eyes.

She's too adorable.

I grab her by her face with both my hands and get a inch away from her lips.

We stare into each others for a minute and then I open my mouth.

" Guess I can do this more then" I say and kiss her on the lips.

She wraps her arms around my shoulders and we get deeper into the kiss.

You could hear the slurps echo throughout the room.

I go down to her neck and start to kiss all over.

" Wait, Kiyah's still out there" she says patting my back.

I pull away from her neck and stare at her.

" If you liked me, why did you bring your sister knowing she wanted me?" I ask furrowing my brows.

" That's because, I wasn't sure I liked you or that you liked me back. So even if I told her to fuck off I wouldn't have a proper reason" Kiara explains.

" Well now you're sure right?" I ask raising a brow.

She nods and I kiss her on the forehead.

" When you slammed your hand on the table because you were jealous, that really turned me on." I say going back to her neck.

" Who said I was jealous?" She says with pride.

I chuckle and pull on her hair.

" Is it really that hard to admit?" I whisper into her ear.

All of sudden I feel a hand on my neck.

I look down to see Kiara's hand and my eyes widen.

" You're still hurt" she says looking at me dominance on her voice.

A grin cracks on the side of my face.

I snatch her hand from around my throat and put her fingers in mouth and then bite them.

She winces and tries to pull her hand away but I don't let her.

" Why don't you put it in yourself then?" I suggest biting her fingers once more.

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