Back To Reality

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(Kiara's POV)

My eyes flutter open to the sight of the lamp light.

I turn only my head, looking towards the window.

It was still dark. I narrow my eyes then turn my head up to look straight up again.

Then why is the lamp on?

I turn my head to the other side to see Lorenzo is gone.

This alerts me. He's usually always there.

I immediately pop up and I'm quickly met with a sharp pain in my back.

I groan out and then look down. I was completely naked. I raise the blanket to my chest and then look for my phone.

It was 5 am. I then heard a sound.

I snap my head towards the sound and there he was.

He was buttoning his suit in the mirror.

I blink a few times. My vision was till kind of blurry.

" Lorenzo?" I say in a sleepy voice.

He turns his head towards me and starts to walk towards me.

He sweeps my hair back and kisses me on the forehead.

" I have to go on a business trip. Go back to sleep" he said.

I furrow my brows and wipe my eyes.

" Business trip? For how long?" I question looking up to him.

" 3 days" he instantly replied.

My heart sunk.

I don't think I've been away from Lorenzo for that long in awhile.

" and if I didn't wake up were you not gonna tell me?" I scrunch up my nose to him.

" I was gonna leave a note. I didn't wanna wake you up" he says walking back to the mirror.

I sigh and then watch him get a tie out a drawer.

Still without cloths I step out the bed slowly and walk towards him.

I snatch the tie away from him and he looks at me.

I get on my tippy toes and wrap the tie around his neck.

He was that tall.

I start to tie it and he watches me the entire time.

I push the tie up and tap on his chest.

" Make sure to wake me up next time. I don't mind" I say looking up to him.

" Have a safe trip" I say wiping my eyes.

I was still really tired.

He chuckles then nods. He then grabs my face and kisses me.

He takes one hand off my face and slaps it on my ass making me jump.

We pull away from the kiss with him biting my lip.

" I will. Now go back to sleep" he says slapping my ass again.

I nod and I walk back to bed.

I lay in bed and sink into the sheets.

Ah. This bed was so warm and comfortable.

My eyes already begin to start shutting.

The last thing I saw was Lorenzo waving me goodbye and him leaving out the door....



My eyes shoot open to the sound of my phone alarm.

𝘋𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘋𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘯𝘵Where stories live. Discover now