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(Lorenzo's POV)

Kiara was acting weird since this morning. Her sudden behavior, her mood swings, her being extremely nervous,THEN her throwing up, and now she's still in the bathroom.

Just what the hell is going on? Kiara wanted some personal space so I just sat in the bedroom anxiously.

I've never seen her act this way before.

Just as I was about to lay down, I hear the bathroom door open.

I immediately get up and look to see if Kiara was coming this way.

I hear her footsteps and she walks into the room looking tired.

But it's barely passed morning? She shouldn't be tired yet?

Kiara holds her head and then walks over to the bed. "What's wrong?' I say confused.

"Was there any food that you were allergic to over there? Was it because of your nerves?" I say.

She doesn't answer and just shakes her head. Not getting an answer just made me more anxious, but I knew she wasn't feeling good so I stayed quiet.

" I don't feel well, Im gonna take a nap. Could you order some food?" She says laying down.

I nod my head and cover her in a blanket. She almost instantly fell asleep.

I walk out the room so I wouldn't wake her up, and closed the door behind me.

First I order some food and then right after I call my mom. I just find it weird that she threw up after she ate.

Everything she ate over there, she's eaten before, so what made her throw up?

"Hello?" My mom says on the other line. I could tell that she was kinda upset.

She must've been upset that me and Kiara had to leave. But shouldn't she be more worried than upset?

"hey ma, could you name the foods you cooked us again?" I say ignoring her tone.

She starts naming off the foods and all the food she cooked,  none of it was something Kiara never ate before.

Maybe there was something unusual in the food that upset Kiara's stomach?

I say goodbye and then I hang up the phone.

I take a peek in the door and Kiara was still knocked out.

She must've been really tired.... After I take a peek, I completely come in the door and lay beside her.

Again, not a single movement from her..... just what is going on?

I stop looking at her, turning my head, and falling asleep....


All of sudden I hear my phone buzz.

I look on the my phone to see the food came. Shit, I completely forgot about that.

I throw the covers off me and I hurry out the bedroom. Before I did, I looked at Kiara again, still sleep.

I go down the stairs and the dasher put my food on the porch.

Right when I looked up, the car sped away.

"I'm glad I tipped them" i say chuckling to myself.

I place the food on the counter then I sorted out the food we got.

After that, I went upstairs to go wake Kiara.

"Kiara" i say, but not loud. No answer.

I sigh in frustration.  Maybe she's just tired or something, but she's isn't telling me anything so I'm stressing.

𝘋𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘋𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘯𝘵Where stories live. Discover now