Just This Once

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( Kiara's POV)

" Lorenzo please, let me cum!" This was the first time I  was ever begging a man.

It was embarrassing.

I already let him do this other stuff to me now im begging?!

I see a smirk form on his face.

" No" is all he says.

I instantly sit up. " What?!"

He quickly shoves me back down by my throat hovering over me.

" Don't make me repeat myself. I would've let you cum but you should've beg the first time I asked you too"


" Keep begging, Kitten, maybe you'll get your way"

" Can you just not be a dickhead right now?!" I say.

" The more smart ass remarks you make, the more you wait to cum" he says not even looking at me.

My legs are spread and he's just sitting there.

I can't do it! I need to cum. But then I'll be hurting my pride completely.


Just this once.... I'll beg...

" Please Lorenzo, please eat me out so much my legs shake and lemme cum!" I beg.

His straight face turned into a smirk.

As always....

He turns the vibrator on medium this time so there's not as much intensity as last time.

"That's all you had to do, Kitten. Was it that hard?" He says putting his head between my legs.

I don't respond. I'm pretty sure that was a rhetorical question but the answer to that was YES! It was that hard.

He licks my clit, playing with it, holding my legs in place because I can't help but close them.

He then puts his tongue in my pussy making me cry out.

I grit my teeth to stop me from moaning.

He instantly stops and I look at him.

What the hell did he want now?!

" Do not stop your moans unless I tell you too" he says looking straight at me.

What the fuck?!

" Do I look like your submissive to you?! Just eat my pussy please and let me cum for Christ sakes!"

He stares for a moment. No reaction to my begging.

It's like this man expects everything to happen so he gives no reaction.

He gets up and walks to one of his shelves.

When he comes back he has something in his hand.

" What is tha-"

When I look carefully, I see that it's a ball gag.

He places his knees on the bed one by one and then sits on me. It doesn't place all his weight though

" Since you wanna hold back your moans so bad I'll hell you" he says.

He ties the ball gag around my head and gets off me.

He was now staring at me with a tilted head,smiling.

" This is a fantastic view"  he smiles again.

He turns the vibrator on high and holds my thighs in place.

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