Italian Grand Prix

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Lewis: Alex dude, how you holding up?
Alex: Getting better, thanks Lewis
Lando: Yeah mate, it's a shame you missed the race
Alex: Well hopefully I will be back for the next race
Seb: There is a 3  week break so hopefully you will be fully recovered and rested
George: Should we add Nyck to the chat to congratulate him
Lewis: On it

Lewis added Nyck de Vries

Nyck: Hey guys
Max: My Dutch counterpart!!!
Nyck: Hey Max 👋
Nyck: I'm sorry that you couldn't race Alex, get better soon
Alex: Thanks Nyck
Nicky: Nyck?
Nyck: Yes
Nicky: How did you do so well in the car?
Nyck: I'm not sure
Lance: Congrats on driver of the day
Esteban: Yes, congrats
George: Congrats
Lando: Congrats Nyck 👏
Nando: Felicitaciones
Pierre: Félicitations
Seb: Glückwunsch
Kevin: Tillykke
Nicky: Well done, Nyck
Charles: Bien fait
Checo: Bien hecho
Val: Onnittelut
Daniel: Congratulations 🎊
Mick: Gut gematch
Yuki: Well done 🥳
Max: Proficiat
Carlos: Bien hecho
Zhou: Congrats 👏
Lewis: A very well done to you Nyck
Nyck: Aww, thanks guys
Nicky: And I just want to say
Nicky: If you do get my f1 seat next year, then you deserve it
Nyck: Aw, don't say that Nicky
Max: Well, getting 2 points on your debut f1 race in a WILLIAMS and driver of the day, is a feat to be proud of
Nyck: Well thanks again guys
Nyck: Get well soon Alex
Nyck: I don't want to outstay my welcome in the groupchat, so I'm gonna leave now
Max: Tot ziens Nyck
Nyck: Tot ziens Max
Nyck: Spreek je later

Nyck has left the chat

Checo: Wait
Checo: Max do you text Nyck
Max: Yes
Max: Who else am I supposed to speak Dutch to?
Max: And how did you understand what was said?
Checo: Google translate
Charles: Good point Max
Max: Thank you 😊
Nando: Anyway, see most of you in approximately 3 weeks
Zhou: Bye 👋

Authors Note

I'm sorry if any of the translations are incorrect, I used Google translate like Checo. If they are feel free to let me know in the comments.

Checo: Hey, it's not my fault I had to use Google translate, it's not like I know Dutch
Me: No need to get all hot and bothered, nobody will think any the worse of you, just because you had to use Google translate
Checo: Thanks
Me: No problem
Me: Now get back into the story

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