The Oldies but the Goodies

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A/n This groupchat was created just after the formation of the main groupchat.

Lewis created a groupchat
Lewis named the groupchat "The Oldies but the Goodies"
Lewis added Seb
Lewis added Checo
Lewis added Nando
Lewis added Val
Lewis added Danny

Lewis: Hello, guys
Seb: Lewis what's this for
Lewis: This groupchat is for adults only
Danny: So are we allowed to swear without getting told off
Seb: Fine
Val: Fuck yes 😄
Lewis: We can also arrange our meetings without the kids seeing 👀
Checo: Nice one Lewis
Nando: Indeed

A/n: This section takes place in 'A Seb Masterclass'

Checo: SEB
Seb: Whoops sorry 😞
Danny: You almost outed us
Seb: I said, I'm SORRY
Lewis: It doesn't matter now, Seb
Val: Yes, I don't think the kids suspect anything
Nando: Well they are stupid after all
Seb: Nando, you can't say that
Nando: Why not?
Nando: The kids can't see it
Seb: Yes, but they might
Checo: Let's leave it guys
Lewis: And go back to the main groupchat
Val: Before the kids start to suspect anything further

A/n: This bit takes part in 'George is Stuck' where the break happens

Seb: Guys
Nando: Yes.
Lewis: We might need your help
Danny: Go on
Seb: George private messaged me why he needs help
Lewis: He's apparently stuck under a cabinet
Seb: So we might need your help getting it off him
Checo: And how does Lewis know this
Seb: He's with me
Lewis: But that's not important
Danny: I disagree
Val: Okay, shall we make our way to the address that George gave us
Lewis: Yes
Seb: We'll meet you there
Danny: On my way

A/n: This bit is taking place at the end of the last chapter

Val: Nando, what did you mean when you said that you would see most of us in approximately 3 weeks
Nando: Well, I was just wondering if you guys wanted to meet up
Checo: Really?
Nando: Yes
Nando: We could gather for drinks and a chat
Danny: At somebody's House or go out somewhere
Seb: I'd prefer it if it was at somebody's house
Lewis: We could go to my house
Val: Thanks Lewis
Lewis: As long as you all contribute to the alcohol
Nando: Of course we will Lewis
Nando: Right guys 😠
Seb: Yes
Checo: Of course
Danny: Already out buying some
Val: I'll bring some from my collection
Lewis: So shall we say my house Saturday
Checo: Sounds good
Seb: What time shall we arrive
Lewis: Anybody got any time preferences
Danny: I'd say around 5pm so we can order a takeaway as well
Nando: Yep
Danny: You happy with that Lewis
Lewis: Works for me
Lewis: Just don't let the kids find out about this.
Danny: Especially Max
Danny: He won't be happy if he finds out.
Val: Neither will the rest
Checo: It's our little secret 🤫
Nando: Any preferences on alcohol 🍸
Seb: No, not for me
Seb: I'll have whatever is bought
Lewis: So see you guys Saturday then
Lewis: If any of you need to, you are welcome to stay the night, especially if you drink too much 😉
Checo: I'll bare that in mind
Checo: Thanks Lewis
Val: See you Saturday

Authors Note

So this will be the last update until Sunday, I think.
I'm going away over the weekend so I probably won't be able to update.
Happy weekend 😀

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