Group 3: Val, Kevin, Yuki, Zhou, Pierre
Yuki: PIERRE, you cheated
Pierre: No, those are the rules
Zhou: No, I agree with Yuki, you cheated Pierre
Pierre: Your all turning against me, Kevin you settle this
Kevin: No, don't get me involved
Zhou: Val??
Val: I'm driving, what's wrong
Yuki: Pierre played a card and put it under the pile instead of on top of the pile
Val: What do the rules say
Zhou: Er, well... we made the rules up
Pierre: We made the card game up
Kevin: Well, there's your problem
Val: Maybe you need to write down the rules so there are no disagreements
Yuki: Okay, thanks Val
Val: No problem, now let me concentrate on drivingThe rest of the car journey carried on in relative peace, with the three boys in the back of the car hunched over a piece of paper writing the rules to the game that they made up. Whilst Val and Kevin were having conversations about different forms of winter sports.
Kevin: I think that we are nearly there
Zhou: Oh yes, that's the sign for the airport
Yuki: Hurry Val
Pierre: Pull in
Val: Please can you all be quiet so that I can concentrate
Yuki: I can see somebody
Pierre: It looks like Sebs group
Zhou: Hey, Wheres Lewis's group, didn't they set off before us?
Kevin: Yes they did, and before Sebs group as wellVal pulled the car up, next to where the other group was standing and all the boys tumbled out of the car and started talking at the same time.
Seb: GUYS!!!
At Sebs exclamation, everybody shut up.
Seb: Right, one at a time please
Pierre: Wheres Lewis's group?
Val: Yes, didn't they set off before you
Checo: We think that they pulled into the services
Val: Right, then makes sense
George: I think that that's their group now
Alex: No, I don't think it is
Nicky: Yeah, that looks like Daniel and Fernando's group
Seb: Okay, where is Lewis
Checo: Surely they didn't take this long in the services

F1 Groupchat and Other Things
FanfictionAll the f1 drivers are added to a groupchat. What could go wrong? See all the shenanigans unfold and what happens when the f1 drivers end up spending a lot of time together. Ships will be involved. Give your favourites in the comments.