So Whos Dating Who? Drivers

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All the drivers were sitting down eating breakfast a few days after playing never have I ever.

Zhou: I'm confused
Val: Why
Zhou: Well, I just want to clarify who's dating who?
Lance: That is a good question
Seb: Well
Max: I'm dating Charles
Checo: We know
Charles: How
Daniel: Like I said to Max a couple of days ago, you two are so not subtle
Charles: Oh
Mick: As you all know, me and Kita are dating
Lando: Me and Carlos are going out with eachother
Val: We know that as well
Nando: Like with Max and Charles, you two are so not subtle
Carlos: I thought as much

Whilst this was going on, the two frenchmen were having a whispered conversation

Pierre: I'm dating Esteban
Yuki: We know
Esteban: But, how
Nando: We see you give eachother hearteyes all the time
Lance: We saw you fall asleep with your heads on top of eachother on the plane
Pierre: Oh, right
George: And I'm dating Nicky and Alex
Lewis: Well, I knew this one
Lewis: And so does Toto, by the way
Alex: What
Nicky: How
Lewis: Which one
George: Both of you
Lewis: Both me and Toto walked in on you having sex in your drivers room, George
Kevin: I feel sorry for you having to see that Lewis
George: It's only payback for what I've seen
Zhou: What did you see
George: It's not my place to sat
Seb: Lewis, who are you dating
Lewis: Nobody
Mick: Oh, I forgot that, that happened
Kita: What happened Mick
Mick: I'll tell you later if Lewis allows it
Lewis: Yeah, you can tell him Mick
Mick: Okay, thanks Lewis
Mick: Don't think your getting away with anything Kevin
Val: Yes, who are you dating Kevin
Kevin: Er, well
Lewis: You don't have to say anything Kevin
Kevin: I'm not going to tell you just yet
Nando: That's okay Kev

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