Sunday Morning 🌄

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'The Oldies but the Goodies'

Lewis: Did everyone get home alright last night?
Val: Yep
Val: I could do that again, it barely feels like I drank anything
Lewis: That's because of your Finnish genes
Lewis: I for one, have a raging hangover 🤒
Danny: So do I
Danny: I fell asleep as soon as I got home last night 😴
Val: At least you made it home OK, you could barely stand when you left
Nando: I also went home and went straight to sleep
Nando: And I would still be asleep but this groupchat woke me up
Val: Oops, sorry Nando 😞

Danny: But what about Seb and Checo
Danny: Did they make it home ok?
Lewis: Oh, they stayed at mine in the spare rooms
Seb: Definitely in the spare rooms
Checo: Yes, definitely
Checo: Anyway, you guys woke me up
Seb: Lewis, can you bring some water and painkillers upstairs please 🙏
Lewis: On it Seb
Nando: Right, I'm going back to sleep again, I'll be back in a few hours

4 hours later

Nando: My god, did I need that nap
Lewis: Same
Danny: I think I've slept off the majority of my hangover
Seb: Same here
Checo: And here
Val: I didn't have a hangover in the first place
Nando: Curse the finnish genes
Val: Seb, are you and Checo still at Lewis's
Seb: Yes we were too hungover to be bothered to leave and go home
Danny: You know
Danny: I think we should do this again, but maybe with less alcohol
Lewis: Danny are you feeling alright?
Danny: Yes, I'm fine thanks
Danny: Why?
Checo: Well, you want less alcohol at a party
Seb: That's really unlike you
Seb: But I agree
Danny: Well I am getting older now and my hangovers seem to be getting worse
Nando: Definitely
Val: Anyway, back to what Dan said earlier
Danny: Ah yes, right
Danny: I think that we should make this get together an annual thing
Lewis: What, like we get together at somebody's house once a month to talk and drink
Danny: Exactly Lewis
Danny: We could take it in turns to host
Seb: Like we could work on a rota
Val: And every 6 months- summer break and winter break- we could have a massive drinking session where you have time to work off your hangovers
Nando: And the other times we could just have a few drinks so we have little to no hangover
Danny: Yes you've got it
Danny: Now, to work out the rota
Lewis: So me, Seb and Checo came up with one
Lewis: Me, Nando, Seb, Danny, Checo, Valterri
Checo: So this way, Valterri hosts us every time we have the big drinking session
Seb: I hope you don't mind Val
Val: No, not at all
Nando: So it's sorted
Danny: We get together every month to talk, drink and hang out
Lewis: I think we'd better get back to the main groupchat, I think they want us

Authors Note

So anyway, I decided to publish today

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