The First Morning

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All the drivers who had been in bed last night came downstairs at a similar time. None of them thought to think that the three drivers down first had been up all night.
Seb was the last driver to make an appearance downstairs and saw all the drivers gathered in the kitchen. Mick, Lewis and Charles were all leaning on the kitchen counter with dark circles under their eyes and holding a mug of coffee.
Seb spoke brightly.

Seb: How'd you guys sleep last night
Lewis *groaned* : Didn't
Mick: Sorry
Lewis: Wasn't your fault, I was awake when you came to me
Charles: I also never went to sleep
Kevin: Is that why you all look like zombies
Seb: What happened
Mick: I had a nightmare and went to Lewis
Charles: They met me when they were going downstairs, I couldn't sleep
Lewis: We screamed when we saw the lightning lit up a figure outside, it ended up only being a tree
Mick: But it still scared us too much
Daniel: So that's who screamed
Mick: You heard that
Charles: Why didn't you come down and see who it was
Daniel: Couldn't be bothered
Charles: Fair enough
Lewis: We ended up watching movies all night and got no sleep
Seb: We'll you three had better go up to bed and get some sleep. The rest of us need to go shopping

So Lewis, Charles and Mick went up to get some sleep.

2022 Grid

Seb: Right can anybody think of any food we might need from the shops
Pierre: Who's cooking
Checo: Ferrari are doing dinner and Mercedes are doing tea
Val: I'll need porridge, coffee and vodka
Lewis: Don't forget some vegan food
Seb: Get to sleep
Lewis: Sorry 😞
Carlos: Some cereal
Checo: Tequila
Lando: Milk, don't forget the milk 😋
Nando: Just the general groceries
Alex: Lando, your with us at the shops
Lando: Oh, yes
Lewis: Who's at the shops
Alex: Me, Lando, George and Daniel
Lewis: Yes Seb, sorry Seb
Nicky: Nutella, don't forget Nutella
George: We won't Nicky 😂
Pierre: Can u get some underwear please, I forgot to pack some 😣
Daniel: Of course, although I'm sure Esteban would lend you some
Esteban: Whats that supposed to mean
Daniel: Oh nothing, nothing
Alex: Hurry up Daniel
Daniel: Got to go, we're here now

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