A/N Just before we start any names that are written in italics are the drivers talking, if the names are in bold, the drivers are in the groupchat.
Group 1: Lewis, Max, Mick, Lance, Esteban
Lance/ Mick/ Lance/ Esteban: I DON'T CARE, I LOVE IT, I DON'T CARE I
Suddenly, Lewis reached across from where he was sitting in the drivers seat and turned off the music.
Lance: Hey, what was that for
Max: Lewis, are you okay, you look a little pale
Lewis: Well, I've got a bit of a headache
Mick: How long have you had a headache
Lewis: I had a mild one at the beginning of the journey but I hoped it would pass but its gotten 10 times worse
Esteban: Do you think that you've got a migraine
Lewis: Probably
Lance: Why don't we swap, I'll drive and Estie can sit in the front in place of Max
Max: Yes, we don't want you driving if you feel unwell
Lewis: Okay, thanks guys
Mick: Look, here's the services, pull inLewis signalled to pull of the road and went into the services. The other boys could now get a proper look at Lewis and saw he looked really pale and ill.
Max: Hey, how you feeling
Lewis: Pretty dreadful
Lance: Why didn't you say something sooner
Lewis: I didn't want to spoil the journey
Max: He's also extremely stubborn at times
Esteban: Before we set off again, let's go and get some water and paracetamol for Lewis, and snacks for the rest of us
Mick: Good ideaThey got out of the cat and walked towards the stores. Lewis was walking in-between Max and Esteban so that they could steady him. Lane noticed that the Brit was looking worse and worse every minute and wondered the cause of the headache. Mick sped up ahead with Lance and they soon came back to the rest of the group with water, paracetamol and snacks. Lewis, Esteban and Max were waiting on a bench because Lewis had started to feel faint, and in Max's eyes, looked like he was going to pass out. Contrary to what everyone thought (most of yhe drivers included) Max and Lewis were actually great friends and hung out a lot together outside of races. Mick passed Lewis the water and paracetamol, and the Brit took them gratefully.
Lance: Cone on, let's go back to the car
Max: Yes, let's keep quiet so you can get some sleep, Lewis
Lewis: ThanksWhen they got back to the car, Esteban sat in the front passenger seat, but turned it round so that he was facing Mick, Max and Lewis in the back. Lance took up position in the drivers seat.
For the rest of the journey, Lewis fell asleep with his head on Max's shoulder and the rest quietly chatting and Max, Mick and Esteban playing a quiet game of Uno.

F1 Groupchat and Other Things
FanfictionAll the f1 drivers are added to a groupchat. What could go wrong? See all the shenanigans unfold and what happens when the f1 drivers end up spending a lot of time together. Ships will be involved. Give your favourites in the comments.