Christian Horner created a groupchat
Christian named the chat: Team Bosses
Christian added: Toto
Christian added: Mattia
Christian added: Otmar
Christian added: Andreas
Christian added: Franz
Christian added: Frédéric
Christian added: Gunther
Christian added: Mike
Christian added: JustToto: What the fuck is this
Mattia: Why are we here
Christian: Well I'm confused about what is happening between our drivers
Gunther: So am I
Gunther: I mean when I announced to Mick that Nikita was leaving he seemed to look upset
Franz: That is weird
Otmar: I'm sure that Esteban keeps eyeing the other French man when he thinks I'm not looking
Franz: It's the same here
Mike: I thought that they hated eachother
Mattia: Charles keeps eyeing Max and I'm sure that I see him sneaking into our garages
Frédéric: What
Christian: I see Charles trying to sneak into our garages as well, I'm sure that they are dating
Jost: Whats going on between Max and Lewis
Toto: What do you mean
Christian: What do you mean
Jost: Well I've seen them having friendly conversations with eachother
Jost: And out of the race weekends I've seen them go out for coffee
Toto: I thought that they despise eachother
Christian: Same, I'll ask Max about it
Andreas: We all know that Lando and Carlos are dating
Mattia: They are so obvious sneaking in and out of the garage
Mike: I'm sure that I've seen all of the older drivers sneaking around with eachother
Otmar: It's not as odd as some of the things we've seen
Gunther: Speaking of which
Gunther: Has anybody seen where Kevin sneaks off to after races
Frédéric: No, sorry
Andreas: Let's keep the groupchat updated with any other observations
Jost: Hold on
Christian: Go on
Jost: Toto, so you know what is going on between Nicky, Alex and George
Toto: Ah
Toto: Well
Toto: I walked in on them having sex in George's drivers room
Jost: Oh
Toto: Make sure you all knock before entering the rooms of your drivers because you might see something that you weren't expecting
Mattia: Thanks for the advice Toto
Franz: Speak to you all later

F1 Groupchat and Other Things
FanfictionAll the f1 drivers are added to a groupchat. What could go wrong? See all the shenanigans unfold and what happens when the f1 drivers end up spending a lot of time together. Ships will be involved. Give your favourites in the comments.