4. A monster

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Y/Ns pov.

" what do you want, Jinx" I didn't even waste my energy on turning to look at her, spitting her name out. Sometimes I did think I was over dramatic, but she killed my family after all. I'm sure no one would be happy with that.

" Nothing, really" she giggled playfully as if it was some kind of game. I'm not surprised, she still acts like a child most of the time, not always, I've seen her on a battlefield. She's feral, even I would be afraid to stand in her way sometimes.

My ears were listening to every sound she made while walking slowly in my direction. I couldn't see her, I didn't need to, I had a clue where she was with each step she took," soooo, we're gonna be partners" Jinx couldn't hide the excitement in her voice, clapping her hands loudly.

I scoffed, placing the frame back into its place and standing on my feet again," nothing to be excited about." My teeth gritted as I walked up to her. She was the same height as me, yet our hair was different lengths, hers almost reached the ground, and mine ended right at my shoulders," I'm only doing this cuz I need to survive. Not cuz Silco told me too", I dared to let out another sentence," and certainly not because I love to be near you"

Her brows frowned, clearly, she wasn't happy about me talking back. In no time her hand appeared on my abdomen, pushing me back harshly onto the old dusty sofa. I could swear I stopped breathing as soon as she was on top of me, straddling my waist and pointing her gun at my temple.

" Silco is your boss and I'm his daughter, therefore I own you." She whispered, and I watched her eyes slowly go down from mine to my lips, leaving me confused yet I didn't think much of it. She was Jinx after all. No awareness of boundaries.
The tension was unbearable and I had to get away from her as soon as I could.

" I'm not your fucking pet," I said rather calmly, trying to get out from beneath her with my hands on her warm waist, pushing her back. My fingers nicely wrapped around her curves, building the tension higher. The girl didn't budge though, only brought herself closer to me, leaving no space in between us.

" Anddd I'm not a psycho," she smiled recalling the way I called her a psycho like an hour ago. Oh, how I wish Sevika was here to get her off of me.

A chuckle left my lips, the girl was clearly sick in the head," we both know who you are, Jinx", her name rolled my tongue venomously, indicating her constant fucking up.

Tears slowly welled in her eyes and soon enough they fell and rolled right onto my cheeks from her own. I haven't seen her cry after Silco took her in. I'm sure she did. I just never saw it and never let myself think about it deep enough because I knew I'd lose my shit.

I looked away not bearing to see her cry like this. A pang of guilt hit me in the chest. Still, I didn't react," can you get off of me, we have a job to do" my voice was harsh. I couldn't get over the fact that the girl crying killed my family.

Jinx didn't say a word and quickly got up from the sofa, silently rushing out the door and shutting them loudly.


" I saw her getting into the basement when you were in there" Sevika nudged me slightly, a smirk on her face indicating that she was thinking of dirty things.

My eyes rolled in disgust at her dirty thoughts, making me want this job to be over already. We've been standing for a while now, guarding the factory against firelights. I'm sure Jinx was somewhere around here too.

" oh come on, you know you had eyes for her since forever", Sevika laughed out loud, saying that after she saw me roll my eyes," anyone could see it, really" her arm rested on my shoulder as if she wanted to annoy me more. She was right. I always liked Jinx as a friend yet there were times when I'd feel something more.

I didn't want to talk about Jinx right now, so I decided to annoy Sevika as it was my only way out of boredom," you remember that time we made out?".

My eyes searched for the reaction on her face, yet, I was met with disappointment when it was dull," it was a stupid mistake", she chuckled after a while.

" Really?" I found the confidence in myself to step closer to the tall woman in front, she was way taller than me but that didn't stop me to reach her ear with my lips," you seemed to enjoy it".

I could see her eyes widen for a brief second before she shrugged it off and walked away with an angry ' shut up'.

The day was hot and the sun was shining right in my direction without mercy. It was hard enough to deal with the boredom and I was still frying in the stupid sun.

" Need some water?", Jinx peeked from behind, startling the shit outta me since I had no idea she was in this area.

She had a water bottle in her hand, gesturing for me to take it. I glanced at her face for a second before reaching for it. Even though I didn't want to take anything from her, the thirst was killing me.

Jinx yanked the bottle a little bit further from me so I would have to get closer to her to take it. I scoffed in annoyance," seriously?".

One of her bushy brows rose playfully," uh huh, you have to say please first. " the girl pouted.

"No", I let out without hesitation. I'd rather die than plead her.

She opened her mouth to say something but she quickly got cut off by the sound of an explosion somewhere nearby.

" fuck" Jinx murmured under her breath before moving to the direction where the bang came from.

I stayed near the main entrance, guarding and searching for any sign of firelights. I didn't know much about them. I knew how they were dressed and how they rode hoverboards. Never been close to one though. Never seen one eye to eye.

As I stood without moving an inch, listening carefully, trying to focus on every little sound around me, there was a quiet noise. I couldn't make out what it was or even describe it. But I knew as soon as something went flying at me. it was a firelight. A person on his hoverboard trying to knock me out with a rusty pipe.

I dodged the weapon quickly, barely being in time to avoid the firelight, my hand reached for the gun I had attached to one of my belts, and shot him right in the leg, missing his head where I aimed originally.

The leg was a good enough, the Firelight flew from his hoverboard and rolled onto the sandy ground, coughing and groaning in pain.

Didn't waste even a second before walking over to his body, while he was distracted by gripping his leg so he wouldn't bleed out. However, as soon as he laid his eyes on me, which was almost unnoticeable since his mask was still on his face, began crawling forward.

A trail of blood painted the sand. It was a fascinating view truly. Something about a helpless human on the ground made the fury and excitement mix up in my body. It was something between euphoria and passion," so what brings you here?", I crouched down next to the obvious figure of a man, who by now stopped trying to get away.

I couldn't tell if he was brave or just bleeding out rapidly. The guy didn't say a word, only looked me in the eyes as if pleading for mercy, or perhaps searching for some humanity in my eyes, which remained completely cold.

It made me pissed so I decided to give him some motivation by grabbing his leg and digging my fingers into his bloody wound. As I expected he let out a loud yelp and swung his hands to mine, trying to rip them off of him," still not gonna talk to me?", I scoffed looking in the distance, struggling to think of anything that might work.

One glance at him and I yanked out my pocket knife, swinging it up and down attempting to stab him in the chest as Sevika once taught me. His body moved to the side avoiding my knife and I let out a frustrated groan, now straddling him while aiming at him a few times that he dodged. But as soon as he tried to hit me in the face, I landed a blow first, causing his mask to fall off.

My breath was shaking and my hands trembling from the sight in front of me. The boy with chocolate skin that I haven't seen in so long stared at me. His eyes are still full of disappointment. Looking at me as if I was a monster.

The Midnight Sky.( Jinx x Oc Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now