9. Crime Lords

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A/N: 😫 decided to be generous and drop This boring chapter so I could publish the spicy one tomorrow 😏 I love all of you😭😭❤


Y/Ns pov

The elevator was about two hundred years old, or at least it looked like it. With each floor level we passed, there was a loud bang causing my ears to ring. I couldn't understand why the Chem barons chose a location like this for a meeting. The building was rusty, barely standing on the ground.

My chest became tight with every bang, anxious to see the biggest crime lords gathered in one place for the first time. I had nothing to feel uneasy about, Silco has been awfully quiet. I don't think he spoke one word to me after I came back to the last drop. I didn't make an effort to start a conversation either, recalling Jinx's words about me having fun with Sevika took my mind off of the actual work I was supposed to do at the moment. An unnoticeable sneer was all over my face, as I held a wooden box, staring at the distance, knowing that she followed me, seeing everything that happened with the woman. I was Counting every second till the doors opened.

As soon as they did, with a steady walk, Silco and I stepped into the hall. Not just a hall, it was filled with different varieties of plants and a huge table placed in the middle. My mouth gapped at the glass ceiling above my head. The sky was prettier than I could ever imagine. Zaun's air was constantly polluted by the factories and laboratories, making the sky appear rather gray. It was a satisfaction to see it powder blue this high up.

My awing was shortly interrupted as I took in the figures of the best crime lords in Zaun's city. They looked nothing like Silco. The man looked rather simple surrounded by the chem barons, who seemed like they were clothed outstandingly, in all sorts of unusual fabrics.

Silco didn't bother to sit down at the table like every other crime lord. Instead, he stood at the front of it, with me beside him.

" is that your new dog?", a man cracked out laughing, led by other lords' chuckles. It didn't take me long to recognize him, yellow jacket, and a metal jaw. Finn- the boss of the slickjaws.

" there there, Finn. Where are your manners?" Silco spoke, ignoring the fact that the dipshit called me a dog, signaling me to put down the box onto the table with two of his fingers.

I kept the bitterness deep inside me, I was there to do the job, not waste my time on an arrogant shit. I put the box down, feeling Finn's stare at my figure, his eyes with a sparkle of interest- not in the box, but me.

Silco didn't wait for Finn to reply, opening the box and revealing a doze of shimmer. I've never tried shimmer, only seen it from the distance, this one was a lot more purple than it should be," what is this?", one of the lords spoke, she was a woman, a powerful woman.

" It's a unique dose of shimmer", Silco began taking slow steps around the table, leaving me alone to get mentally undressed by Finn's eyes," think about it, who wouldn't want to be...." His hands clasped behind his back as he paused for effect," stronger than ever? This is an upgrade."

" And why exactly would we want those rats to be stronger than they are now?", the woman questioned, drawing a smile on my face. There's nothing cooler than a powerful woman putting powerful men in his place.

" Who said I was talking about mankind?" Silcos voice was thick and deep as he didn't rush to convince the chem barons," we could use it for weaponry".

Everyone sat silent, in their heads agreeing to Silcos suggestion, looking around at each other," that's not all", he added getting back to his previous place beside me," with that kind of powerful weaponry we could take back Zaun's complete independence".

My heart felt like it fell to my stomach as soon as I understood what he meant. In addition, to take back complete independence, they could either make a deal or go to war. That's something my dad took on with Silco on his side all the years ago. The time when my father backed out, took in Vi and Powder and did everything to keep us safe.

I stood still, swallowing whatever tears or fury penetrated my insides. This man was a complete monster, a stranger even though I was raised by him and Sevika.

" We no longer have to be overshadowed by the rich fools living on top!" I lightly flinched as Silco slammed his palms on the table "Think about it, don't you miss fresh air in your lungs? The rays of sunshine tickling your skin?".

The crime lords began nodding in approval, whispering things I couldn't hear to each other. One thing was clear though, they weren't talking about deals.


Right after the meeting, the lords agreed on celebrating their new plans in the bar of the last drop. So here I was, taking shots, beside lords of Zaun including the arrogant shit.

The guy didn't take his eyes off me, starting at the exposed skin under my top. I ignored it once again, focusing on the shots in front of me and the loud music making my body ache with a need to dance or move in some way.

I swung the shot up and felt the burning sensation flame in my throat. It was my sixth shot of alcohol and I was already feeling euphoric, yet not drunk enough.

I began to look around uninterested in just taking shots and standing in one place. Perhaps in hopes of finding Sevika, I made my way to the staircase, up, and then to Silco's office.

The Midnight was in less than two minutes and I wasn't sure if someone was even in there at this time, but that didn't stop me from opening the door.

As soon as I opened them I was met with Jinx's figure on the table, she was holding one of Sevika's blades, looking at my frame who's holding the doorknob tight, as if she didn't expect my presence here. Her eyes widened and her lips formed a thin line.

On the other hand, Sevika, yes, Sevika was sitting in Silcos place. Ropes tightly hugged her sides as she wiggled aggressively attempting to free herself.

" oop, haha, I forgot to lock the door!"

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