25. Just maybe

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A/N: 😔 heyyy angels! I've been so busy with school and on top of that I'm sick AGAIN. But anygays, I hope y'all enjoy this short chapter. The next chapter will be the last one😔 and I feel like it will make most of y'all cry😔 love ya all


Y/Ns pov.

The cold water drowned a taste of a panic attack rising in my throat. My wet hands were trembling as I gripped the sides of the sink and my nails tried to find any way to dig into the porcelain.

I swung my head up, and the tears suddenly surged out, as if it was a waterfall. I couldn't stop them, my chest burned whilst I stared at the reflection in the mirror. My face wasn't there, just a bunch of cubic green particles instead.

My heart went racing, skipping countless beats, and I suck in a deep breath as my eyes went wide. It was scary, I felt dizzy, nausea curled in my stomach and I was sure I'll have to empty it in a minute.

My hands rushed to the mirror as I suck in a deep breath, tapping the glass more than harshly. The glass felt like jelly and so I knew it wasn't real. I was just seeing things.

" you okay, toots?!", Jinx squirmed, her legs folded and crossed beneath her as she sat on the edge of the tub.

Her unexpected appearance made me flinch, yet, it yanked me out of my mind and when I turned back to the mirror I was normal again. Just a little pale and out of breath. All of this was the firelight's fault; Ekkos. First, he tricked me, and then he turned me into one of his experimental pigs.

I nodded slowly, lowering my head and shutting my eyes tight. I tried to suppress the anger building up inside. Once I'm angry enough there's no point in trying to control myself. It wasn't only dangerous to me but to Jinx too.

The girl frowned, not buying my bullshit. Her teeth drew to her lips as she thought hard. In a matter of a couple of minutes, she couldn't come up with anything. I didn't need her to, all I wanted was her touch, a gentle one.

Her eyes looked up at me, shining at the angle where the light hit it as I loomed towards her, forcing myself to block out the memories and images of Silco," I'm just a little bit tired", I whispered, taking her hands in mine and making her stand up. As soon as she was on her feet I didn't waste a blink before tugging her into a warm hug.

Jinx's scent calmed me down, her arms wrapped around my back brought some sort of safety. A tiny tear fled my eye, and the words ' Im sorry' repeated in my head million times.

I always believed that all my problems would be solved if Silco was dead. That all the nightmares and sorrow would magically disappear once I put the bullet through his brain. But I had Jinx now, and I took away everything from her, including her sister. I shouldn't feel bad as she did the same thing to me once, yet, she was a child.

" It's all because of them right?", she leaned back, staring into my eyes. I shifted, afraid as if she would see all the lies I've told her.

" I'm fine, it doesn't matter, Jinx", a plastic smile bloomed on my face. The girl wouldn't understand, not now, not ever.


" you have to clean up the mess after her", Sevika tossed one of Jinx's used bombs on my table. The gadget was already blown up hours ago.

I reached for it, letting it rest in my hand," I have enough worries for now, why don't you do it if it bothers you?"

My scoff made her furious, the edges of her nose rose and she didn't hold back," Silco was the one cleaning her mess. That's your job, it was never mine".

" I'm not Silco", I gritted my teeth, barely controlling the sudden anger and need to rearrange her guts right here and then.

The woman chuckled, earning a look of confusion from me. I was tired of her acting up, it's impressive how Silco put up with her for all these years. She collected the words carefully almost afraid as she could've been thinking of the sequence," maybe you shouldn't have killed him then".

Jinxs pov.

" maybe you shouldn't have killed him then", Sevika blurted out, dragging the stabbed imaginary blade across my heart.

The only time I managed to stay quiet enough for Y/N to not notice me or hear me. It wasn't intentional. Today was her birthday and I wanted to surprise her with special flowers, which ended up being crushed in the palms of my hands as panic, anger, and confusion shook my skin.

I watched as Y/Ns eyes went wide at Sevika's statement through the small crack in the doorway.  Tiny drops of tears on my cheeks. I didn't want to believe it, I couldn't. She wouldn't do that, she loves me.

Whispers clouded my head, although this time I couldn't hear Mylo, he wasn't there when I needed him to tell me what to do.

" out.", Y/N demanded Sevika to leave. Her voice brought me back to reality, but not enough to calm me down. Yet, the door opened, and I slid away unnoticeably, waiting for that ogre to leave.

My eyes filled with bright pink as I stepped into the office. Only Y/N and me now.

The Midnight Sky.( Jinx x Oc Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now