20. Change to survive

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Jinxs pov.

" I didn't lose them", I grabbed the staple gun that laid on the table of my workshop, replying to the voices surrounding me," they took them!", my voice got louder and louder as I got angrier.

They didn't shut up causing my head to feel like it'll explode any minute, it was hard to focus on anything, yet, I still managed to get the staple to my leg, doing whatever it takes to shut them up. I had to hurt. It wasn't scary, I was used to it. But it was too much. They were loud, screaming all nonsense at me.

I felt like they were driving me insane. Worse than before. The voices weren't just in my head or behind me. They were in the walls, the mirror, the ground, everywhere.

She'll take away Y/N, Mylo once again spoke the loudest and clearest.

A bold of pain went through my leg as I pushed the button, stapling my skin," n-no", my voice cracked.

They'll be happy without you. He was everywhere.

" shut up!", I yelled at him, stapling again and again. Harsher each time, recalling the way Y/N bashed the girl's face with Mylo's knife. The way the blood sprayed on her and how she looked totally crazy. I've never seen her like that.


Y/Ns pov.

" We have no one else for this"

My head felt heavy, heavier than ever. The first thing that I caught was voices, they weren't clear, nothing I could recognize. The smell of iron reached my nose, I remembered the fight, the girl, and how her face looked before I was knocked out, that made me know that the smell was coming from me, the girl's blood on my face.

" she is suitable", the man's words were clearer now, he was arguing with someone. I couldn't see who, my vision was dark as I fought against the dizziness, pain, and blacking out again.

I tried to move, just a tiny bit, not bothering to be quiet. A grunt left my mouth as I felt some type of fabric restraining me, it was cutting into my skin.
I didn't feel the stinging at first but then it came.

" she's awake", another voice, familiar this time, penetrated my ears.

The voice brought me back to reality, I realized that a stinky bag was covering my face and I was sitting, leaning into a pole," what the fuck?!", the fabric muffled my words from coming out clearly and I began to wiggle aggressively as the panic set in.

" calm down", Ekko, at least I assumed, ordered me.

A minute passed by, and I relaxed, waiting, listening to someone's footsteps as they got closer.

My eyes squinted badly when the light came in after the bag was removed. My vision was dim around the edges, took me a hot moment to see normally.

The first face my eyes fell on was Vi's, she was standing in the doorframe, leaning into the wood. Her gaze held sadness, and disappointment, she was thinking about where she went wrong for me to turn out this way. Her eyes were probably on the blood staining my skin.

" let me fucking go!", I tried to free myself from the ropes, ignoring the red-haired girl's presence not caring what she was thinking of me, I had to go back to Jinx.

They all watched me; Vi, Ekko, and the strange guy I didn't know who placed a bowl of water onto the cold floor I was sitting on after Ekko nodded his head towards me. My foot got caught on it and all it spilled.

" leave us alone", Ekko gestured his hand to the people inside the place.

I stared at Vi, digging into her facial expressions, hoping that she won't go; won't leave me alone with this crazy asshole. I was met with disappointment when she let out a sigh backing away and disappearing from view entirely. I sneered," what the fuck do you want?" My blurry gaze turned to Ekko.

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