14. Stillwater

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Y/Ns pov.

My eyes squinted, attempting to adjust to the darkness and the abyss of the sea. The big waves struck the small wooden boat, pooling underneath my worn shoes.

Here I was alone, paddling through the storm, begging that the security of the Stillwater prison will be minimized in this weather. All I had to do was get Vi out of there, and hide her well until she was ready to be revealed to Jinx. I still haven't thought out my plan of how I'd get her out of this place, nor how I'll explain every single detail to her. What do I hide from her?

As I expected the guards were inside, just guarding the main entrance from unwanted guests. My shoes were soaked, they squelched against the hard dirty cement as I sneaked into the building.

The walls were tall and everything was coated in grey; the ceilings were high and the huge space made the sound hit the walls and echo through the place. Luckily I was able to get past the security without being noticed or sensed. It wasn't as I expected at all, it was way worse. This prison didn't seem like anyone could live here, let alone survive.

My ears caught sounds of groans and cries from some of the cells in the other hall, causing the hair on my neck to raise. It was dark, but not too dark as I saw exactly where I was heading; straight to the main sheriff's desk.

Hours before coming here I managed to fake something classy; documents, declaring my need to question one prisoner for confidential purposes. Even with that, being unseen by the guards was the safer option.

Dizziness took over my mind when I stepped in front of the sheriff, perhaps a guard, yet, a tingling sensation reached my fingertips as I handed the thick paper, flashing a big bright smile, as genuine as I could at the moment.

The huge man looked down at me, his brows wrinkling. He took in the sight of my figure and I prayed like never before for him to not sense that I might be from the undercity," inmate 516?" He questions flatly and I nod once confidently, in my head knowing damn well I have no idea who's inmate 516, I just hope it's Vi.

" she's been having visitors lately", the sheriff cracked up loudly, making me beyond confused.

She had visitors?

I didn't have time for this, Jinx would probably be going crazy without me nowhere to be found. She got back from the shipment today. I only got to see her before walking out immediately as I was rushing to do the job, telling her it was important. The girl begged to let her come with me and Silco had to interfere, ordering Jinx to take a break and work on her gadgetry.

" Which cell?", I demanded impatiently forgetting all the anxiety and tension in my body. I just needed to get to her faster.

The man stared at me for a few minutes, determining something," the lowest floor" he said. Only that? What about the cell number?

I nodded once as a 'thank you', hurrying down the hall into the elevator. 

The thing creaked as if it was going to break any moment now, I was all alone in the dim lift. A swell of anxiety came again. It's been years since I last saw Vi. I didn't know what to think, what to feel. It was scary enough to wonder what she'd feel when she sees me. I wasn't the little girl she had as a sister anymore. Let alone, now I worked for the person who caused the death of my dad; our dad.

Finally, the elevator door slid open, revealing a dark musty hallway. The water drops created puddles on the hard ground, making the space smell like complete shit.

I didn't sense any other inmates as I walked past empty cells, calming myself with each step I took, breathing heavily, and almost passing out.

I stopped, hearing the way pieces of the concrete tumble down. It made my heart twist. I was right there. Less than 5 feet from her. Even though my eyes couldn't catch her frame, I still sensed Vi.

" you don't look like an enforcer", she spoke in the shadows. The noise of the concrete stopped.

My lips stiffened, and I'm sure I forgot how to speak as the words burned to come out. I felt weak. The voice I haven't heard in so long had my eyes flamed with tears that fought so hard to come out, yet, they didn't. I managed to swallow them. Gulp down the flaming anger at Silco, who hid her for so long.

" and you don't sound like a criminal", I teased with a light chuckle, hoping that she would just recognize my face which held dark eyes and all the trauma from years before.

" I knew one day you'll come for me", her voice was cold, yet, there was that softness that I couldn't explain.

Her hands were the first thing that came into my sight as she gripped the bars, pulling herself closer to them and revealing her face," took you long enough".

" sorry", my brow rose," didn't get a letter saying you were alive", I couldn't keep eye contact so I began looking around.

Vi was looking definitely way stronger, she grew huge muscles that were covered in tattoos. Red hair strands were no longer away from her face, they were covering her eye and the piercing she got on her nose shimmered as the light hit it.

The expression changed as she let out a breath looking down, slipping through every thought and question she might ask. Yet, she didn't know where to begin," I-I", her voice broke," I thought you were dead".

I still haven't planned out what I'd say to her, where I'd bring her, so I didn't say anything. My hand reached for the extra copy of the key for the cell, the whole prison used the same locks. It was funny since Zaun's worst criminals were imprisoned here.

"Let's get ya outta here, yeah?".

After a minute of turning and twisting the key, the cell opened. I smiled in succession, sliding the bars open.


" don't you think this was too easy?", Vi jumped down from the last pipe. By now we were back in the lanes, in a narrow alleyway. She watched as I peeked around the corner, thinking I'm looking after enforcers.

As no people I knew went by, my breath finally wasn't swallowed," Easy for you, difficult for me", I turned back to her, flashing a smile full of sarcasm, totally hiding the nervousness. In my head, I was freaking out.

What will I tell her?

" funny story actually. Your sister betrayed our dad and now she's a psychotic maniac, who blows shit up and kills people just for fun".


"Also, I fucked your sister and now we are in a situationship"

The pressure was too much and my knees felt weak. I leaned into a wall, bringing my hand to my face and rubbing it as if that would wash away the tension in my throbbing head.

Vi frowned. She knew something was way off," where's Powder?"

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