26. The midnight sky

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A/N: Hola little angels 😭 I know it's been a while, but I had something come up and I couldn't write 😔👐. But everything is okay nowww, I hope you enjoy this last chapter ❤ I'm sooooo so so so fucking grateful for my readers❤ this is my last story:/ and I'm so glad that all of you enjoyed my stories❤ please take care of yourselves and never forget that at the end of the day you only have yourselves 😌❤ goodbye angels❤

Jinxs pov.

I swiped my free hand on my cheek. The stinging from shimmer-filled tears didn't bother me, yet, the girl thrown over my shoulder did. Her shallow breathing mixed up with voices in my head. They were screaming and wailing as if trying to stop me. But I wasn't going to. I'm tired, I need to do this.

Carefully, I positioned her unconscious body in the chair, that once belonged to Silco. Crouching down in front of her and eyeing her peaceful face, I couldn't believe it, even if I heard it with my own ears, from Sevika. How could she hurt me like that?

She hated you. It was all your fault Vander and her brothers died. Mylo seemed to take control over the voices, but his voice wasn't irritated, instead, it was calm, yet, those words stung my heart more than anything else could.

My head shook and my hands framed Y/Ns face," n-no, you said you loved me", I cried out, she wasn't aware of my words and I didn't need her to be.

She lied. She's a liar. Make her pay for it.

Mylo was right, if she did love me, she wouldn't have hurt me like that. It was all an act to get closer to him, to get closer to me and take my father away just how I took hers.

I didn't bother to wipe the fresh tears off and stood up. Everything was almost set. My eyes scanned the place, checking if everything was in place. There was Vi, facing Y/N, just that she was at the other end of the table, as unconscious as Y/N was. Sister was tied up with ropes that I didn't use on Y/N. I figured that those might hurt her. Mylo, Claggor, and Vander were here also. Each and their own place at the table.

A scowl rushed out of my mouth at the sight of Ekko. He was tied up in the chair near Vi. Everything was perfect. At that thought, a smile painted my face and I excitedly positioned my hands on my hips with a quick look around.

It will be a fun family tea party.


Y/Ns pov.

The metal appeared to shake up my brain. It was all foggy, but the pain was clear. Only when my eyes squinted open and I felt like I wasn't breathing, a realization that it was only a dream came to me. I was covered in cold sweat, chasing the air that my lungs begged to be filled with. My eyes squinted. the image of Jinx's chaotic facial expression lingered in my head, but not for long as my vision got better and something strange jammed my gut. I wasn't in my bed, or Jinxs. Instead, it was all black and I was sitting on my chair.

" Jinx?!", I yelled for her, as it came the first to my head. I cringed at the echo of my voice which brought my head a pang of pain. I felt cold and tired.

" Really thought I buried this place" she spoke, somewhere in the darkness and I tried my best to calm myself down from the anxiety attack I was about to have. I did not move, I wasn't scared," but, I should have known better".

My brows crashed closer to my eyes, what the fuck was she on about?

" Nothing ever stays dead", the girl trailed. Only her heavy footsteps gave out exactly where she was.

I ignored the pain in my head as my knuckles turned white while I attempted to stand up. The dizziness was driving me crazy. It was making harder for me to focus. As soon as I was on my feet, cold arms pushed me back down onto the chair harshly and I couldn't suppress a shriek as my head hit the hardwood.

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