24. Be a good girl❗❗

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Chapter 24.
( SMUT❗❗)

Y/Ns pov.

" Any news yet?", I leaned back into my chair, the same one Vander and Silco once sat in. Papers of useless words were in my hands, with an ocean of other clipboards on the table. Everything was completely worthless.

Sevika folded her arms, shaking her head," nothing new".

Three months have passed since everything went down. Zaun was in my hands now and I've been to meetings with the council. The topside and I have made a deal. I did not wish for a seat at the table, only the taste of independence that the lanes got in return for the blue stone Jinx took.

Somehow I convinced Jinx to give it back, it wasn't easy, yet, after thousands of fights later she gave in. The girl has been uncontrollable for the past few months, every day was a war between us two as she kept storming and creating chaos in Zaun. Luckily, I managed to keep her away from Piltover. Jinx had tried countless times to sneak to the topside, expecting to find the one who took away her dad. No doubt it was strange how she believed my lies, I still feel that she just didn't want to accept that I could've done something so horrible to her.

I shoved the clipboard aside, raking my fingers through my hair with a long sigh. For weeks I and Sevika searched anything that would explain the green liquid rushing through my veins, yet, we were unsuccessful. A groan left my lips," fucking firelights. Can't we just snatch one of them and interrogate him?".

The woman pursed her lips before speaking, one of her hands reached for the glass of shimmer she's been consuming less lately," haven't seen one since Silco's not in the power", she shrugged.

I rubbed my forehead with my shaky hands, the green liquid made me feel different, I felt less and less sane as every day went by. My head tilted with a nod, indicating that this conversation is over.

" We could ship more shimmer to the topside, last time it attracted the firelights", Sevika suggested taking a sip of her shimmer. Her body flinched slightly, and her eyes widened just for a brief second. It reminded me of Silco. The way he used to sit in this chair while Jinx helped inject the shimmer into his eye.

Before I could even form any words I felt eyes drilling into my back, and I knew exactly where it was coming from. Just as I looked up the blue orbs locked with mine. I watched her smile grow larger, almost splitting her face in two. Jinx sat on the old rafters covered in neon doodles she made.

It took two seconds for her to jump down, placing herself comfortably on my lap. She didn't speak, letting mine and Sevika's conversation continue.

" how would we convince the topside to accept the shipment?", I hid the nervousness in my voice as Jinx's hand unnoticeably went down just below the band of my pants. I shifted in my seat, attempting to focus on Sevika's words as hard as I could while Jinx's smile changed into a mischievous one as she hid her face in the crook of my neck.

" We don't ", the woman waved her hand lazily in the air, not aware of what was happening between Jinx and me.

I felt bad for lying to Jinx about Silco's death, every time we went further than kissing I'd push her away with guilt and she'd either get angry or let out a few tears.

My hands gripped the armrests hard enough for my knuckles to turn white, suppressing a grunt when Jinx's teeth nibbled on my ear as her hand went lower and lower," I have a surprise for you, toots", she whispered making the hair on my neck stand up. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't turned on by her actions.

Those words were enough for me to dismiss the woman with a gesture of my hand and with a nod, she left us alone in the office.

The door closed and not even a blink after Jinx slid her lips onto mine, taking me by surprise. I kissed her back, slowly roaming my hands onto the back of her thighs, then caressing her ass. She let out a muffled moan into our kiss, which was soon broken off for us to get some air to our lungs.

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